The Witcher 3 has downgraded graphics

You guys all know that the review copies that have been sent out so far is for the PS4 version right? Bandai Namco said that the PC version was not ready, waiting for the big day one patch. Supposedly would have been available this weekend? I dunno though.

Honestly this is just me - I am looking for a fun game that I can mod. The Witcher 3 fits that bill.

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It looks like the graphical difference between a pc running it on ultra and the ps4 version is going to be a good deal smaller then between gtav for pc vs ps4. That is a bit disappointing.

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For all our sake i hope you are right but it scares me when they refused to allow anyone access to the PC versions for review. best case scenerio they are having performance issues worst case scenerio its highly downgraded and they are still having performance issues.

I doubt they downgraded especially since recommended specs are extremely high. If they did downgrade I'll be extremely pissed considering the 2 reasons I had for building a new PC and setting money aside for a 390x are witcher 3 and star citizen. I'm expecting ryse son of Rome quality graphics on steroids they better deliver after all this

Time stamp??

He just said at some point that comparing screenshots make him worriedabout the downgrade and that he hopes he is proven wrong when the game comes out.

Continuing the discussion from The Witcher 3 has downgraded graphics:

Exactly, 'it isn't a downgrade because the game wasn't finished', 'it's very unfair to compare 'trailers' and gameplay demos'... MFW you said those were gameplay. 'you take a scene and you put the lighting in all the right places, then you post process it, and that is a trailer'...... 'you can't compare trailers and gameplay'.....

Anyway you heard it here folks, ##downgrade confirmed fake by publisher!!!

I say we grab pitch forks and start mobs outside of the gaming headquarters for sony and microsoft it's their peasant consoles fault anyways.

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I don't know. I'd be a hell of a lot more disappointed if the game under performed in the Story and Gameplay department - which is is exactly what CDR are promising.

I kind of feel bad, they weren't a huge studio making a game at an AAA level. But it just shows that being able to Develop a game with such a high Graphical Fidelity for the sake of it is just unrealistic. Games just simply can't be expected to perform or even sell at the insanely high standard that they have been given.

Looks mostly the same on pc as on ps4 (assuming that this actually is ultra settings, and I have no reason to believe that it isn't).

I would not say the same. There is certainly a visible difference. But I must say they really pushed the PS4 a lot. I could never imagine sure it can give that kind visuals in an open world game.

And the PC footage looks as one would expect from a modern game. It more like they pushed the PS4 closer to the PC than the other way around.

It does look like ultra if you compare it to the previous 4K gameplay.


Well, at least it looks okay on low.

On the other hand, ultra looks way too similar to medium.


It seems like some of you have already made up your minds. Why not wait until release and then, if it isn't up to par, burn them. Getting up in arms before release seems useless.

Huh. On my.phones screen at least they looked identical. But for the hair. The hair looks markedly more fluid on PS4. It.looks moulded and static on PC.

I will check it out on proper monitors and get back here but it looks like the PC and PS4 are almost identical.

Edit: Woah though. AA option is a toggle. What the hell is wrong with developers today, not just CDPR but most of them. Why are we not allowed have SSAA, SMAA, FXAA, TXAA and a few other I forgot about AND their own slider for 2x to 16x where applicable.

EDIT 2: Yup they look pretty much the same with a blade of grass here and some leaves missing there on the PS4 side.

Saw some screen shots, everything looks like dog poop now, no tessellation/ambient occlusion I think because for instance some of the roofs look flat. And the horses and whatnot have that plastic look because there is no surface....

People got screwed...

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EDIT: 1080 at Max with Gameworks hair and HBAO off.

I'll get back to you guys with some screenshots using a 4690K and GTX 760 if GOG Galaxy has an inbuilt screenshot thing.

Edit: OH GOD, there's a maximum fps slider. It only goes up to 60.

Don't worry it will never reach 60. I just had my friend in my head on his 770 with a 3770, it is not good. Not bad, but not where near good. running medium.