So my poor old 5850 died. After baking it twice without result I borrowed a gts 250 from a friend. Gaming was fine at medium settings, but now I cant play X Rebirth at decent framerates, and that is just unacceptable.
Help me upgrade my system! I've had my PC for a while now, and it ran new games fine until my videocard broke.
I'm looking for a suitable videocard upgrade for around €200. I plan on upgrading the rest of my computer at a later stage, just dont have the money at the moment. I have a little fexibility with the budget, but upgrading the rest of the pc, the motherboard and cpu would simply cost too much. I'm going to build a fairly decent gaming pc so I don't want to buy components only to have to replace them when upgrading the entire pc.
Now, here for my specs:
CPU": AMD Phenom II X4 955
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-690XTA-UD4
Ram: 12 GB DDR3 669.5 MHz.
Videocard: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
The rest is an Antec Sonata III case, a 128 GB OCZ Agility 3 and a normal 500 GB HDD.
Would love to hear some suggestions from you, I was thinking about a Radeon HD 7950. They go for around EDIT:€200 here in the Netherlands.
How about a 290 flashed to 290x? If not then maybe a 7930, a 7930 will handle (almost) everything at 1200p. If you need EVERYTHING at max, get a 7970. There is no place for a 7950.
don't judge, some people can't help but think of flashing when they think video...
MSI has an 7970oc on sale now for about 165 EUR in Germany, so that should be available in the Netherlands too, very solid card price for that price, MSI has a very good power assembly on those cards.
I picked up a HD 7950 here in the US for $210 before mail in rebates this week.
According to google, that's around 155.67 Euro. Of course, your prices will very likely be higher. The HD 7970 that Zoltan mentioned looks like quite a good deal. If you can find a HD 7950 for cheaps, pick it up. It has similar performance to the HD 7970, especially if you overclock it.
Just realized thats not the XT2 version. The Club3D version is indeed €250. I never had problems with Club3D cards, but I heard of other people having problems, it that still a thing? Anyway, looks like a good deal, this might be my next card:
DDR means Double Data Rate; two channels at 699.5 = 1333mHz effective. DDR3 is not technically correct, because it isn't Septa Data Rate (2 * 3), but the DDR part is what matters.