The Tek 0223: Should We Make Super Intelligent Humans? | Tek Syndicate

Can we please clear up where Logan got the whole "IRS is not a government institute" ? Every resource I can find points to it being a government agency that IS headquartered in DC (not Puerto Rico) and started during the Civil War...

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00:00:07 ~ The Tek Intro
00:00:52 ~ Update/Welcome
00:01:50 ~ Epic Pants
00:02:54 ~ UN Rights Boss
00:03:49 ~ Amazon Removes Encryption
00:08:37 ~ IRS Hacks Hacked
00:12:32 ~ Driverless Spherical Tires
00:16:52 ~ Holy Grail Of Battery Storage
00:20:33 ~ Iowa Selling Old Fiber
00:23:47 ~ AT&T Buying Missouri
00:25:56 ~ Comcast Violates Net Neutrality
00:33:35 ~ Super Intelligent Humans
00:40:27 ~ Apple Lacking VR Horsepower
00:43:09 ~ Samsung Ships 15TB SSD
00:45:26 ~ Intel Chases Moore's Law
00:51:14 ~ AMD External GPU's
00:55:29 ~ Artificial Robotic "Octopus Skin"
00:58:19 ~ Laser's Steering Asteroids
01:00:18 ~ Quantum Triple Entanglement
01:02:15 ~ DOOM Cover Art Selection
01:03:58 ~ Outro

Enjoy!┏(--)┛ -Voodoo_


Would be cool to see a Rant:30 or some video format on encryption.

Super Intelligent humans would be pretty cool but there has to be a way to make sure they don't acquire a superiority complex based on intelligence.

I prefer the 2nd DOOM cover as it resembles DOOM more than the first one. The 1st one, while cool, the art style looks like it would fit a different game instead. It is too dark.

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On the whole VR/AR subject.... An Amazing book series (only 2 books) but awesome nonetheless that deals with this stuff is "Daemon" by Daniel Suarez and its sequel "Freedom". These are amazing books with an awesome story that shows how VR/AR could be completely integrated into the real world and actually CHANGE this real world for the better. Give them a read and let me know what you guys think!

@Logan I would totally buy the new Doom for PC, in a box, simply to have the box art.

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what about having an implant that allows for a neural connection to a AI that you can task to do things with you. and have a storage system that we can access over the same neural connection so we could theoretically have all knowledge a single thought away. ( i know its a play on the way ghost in the shell works but a cool thought none the less)

A very entertaining show and I was sad when the end of the video came. Thanks Tek Syndicate for The Tek. As for the content discussed today there was some pretty heavy stuff but definitely some good light moments. Logan I liked your Garden of Eden scenario and as for the beginning I found that hilarious too. As for something I was able to learn today that I didn't know that the IRS was not located in a U.S. state. I found that pretty interesting. Now as for the Doom cover situation they are now giving us two to vote on after people hated on what they were going to come out with originally eh? Well instead of doing that I wish they would have had a contest and let people design covers and the one picked to be the best would be o the Day 1 Edition and then after that they would run out 665 different covers for the game. Oh and quite honestly this is one of the episodes of The Tek where I am thinking about watching it again at some point to see if I could understand certain things better.

There might be a point of diminishing return for intelligence. William James Sidis is the highest recorded IQ, per an IQ teset. Roughly 200 +. He was a sort of nihilist, didn't want to do anything, and just wanted to live a normal life. He never invented anything or did anything of merit his entire life, despite being documented as the smartest person to ever have lived.

I can sort of see once you reach a certain intelligence threshold, that your mortality would cause you to lose ambition and drive to actually create for the betterment of humanity. As you guys were talking about, basically a bunch of nihilistic misanthropes that would have the highest potential of all, but lack the drive to do anything with it. It would essentially make their intelligence null, since they wouldn't be wasting their time on a specific subject for the betterment of themselves, but would rather enjoy their limited time on earth the way they want to.

Maybe this is why we are as smart as we are. Nature is smarter and deserves more credit than I think we give it. If we all were super genius aliens of 1000 IQ, we might lose our ambition to create. We might live inside our own heads...

Please do the Rant:30 on Encrytion !

@Logan I don't want to defend AT&T here because I think they are doing the wrong thing with their anti-competitive antics and I would like to see them offer gigabit/fiber at a reasonable price however I do want to say you were giving them a bit of a hard time. Their DSL goes up to 75Mbit which isn't super fast but it's not bad either. Granted the up on the 75Mbit plan is only 8Mbit so while your download isn't bad the up is complete shit. Also @wendell I would be interested in seeing that Rant:30.

75Mb is technically a shade under 10MBps for business and video that is poor. The simple fact that they are willing to sue to lock out competition is cause enough for an uproar

Yea it is just under 10MBps although while rated at 75 I've gotten speeds that average around 83 and with peaks up to 90 so I generally can get that 10MBps. Also what do you mean for video it's poor? And I said I'm not looking to defend them I'm just saying when it comes to speed it isn't that slow. Granted their bottom tear plan is 3Mbit soooo.


I love the Tek so much that I went back and watched all of the vids from 001. I particularly enjoy watching you Wendell because you have a really subtle way of delivering the reality of corporate America and its cronies in the US gov't. So, I say yes, please do keep ranting 30,40,50!

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Apropos the (physical) fiber optic bandwidth limit, here's a really interesting video on what bandwidth is and how it works, featuring professor Mike Merrifield from the university of Nottingham.

What is the maximum Bandwidth? - Sixty Symbols

@wendell @7:20 - yes please...

...and @Logan's outro (see who can guess remember the game):

The more Video resolution the more bandwidth required, Also, downloads are not always vonsistent, and depending on what you do the ISP can throttle your connection. Which should be against the law in my opinion.

@DeusQain Make the MicrosuXbox T-shirt but also make a green and black tie-dye T-shirt and call it Nvidia ti-die.

This is the first conspiracy theory I've heard pointing to Roman Catholics burning the Great Library of Alexandria, and I've heard a good number of conspiracy theories. The closest I can come up with is the mostly unsubstantiated and widely doubted idea that Theophilius of Alexandria was responsible for the burning of the Library in 391 as part of the destruction of one of the pagan temples, but even aside from the holes to link the libraries destruction to the temples destruction, Pope/Patriarch Theophilus was not Roman Catholic, he was a Coptic, though it was a few decades before the great split from the Roman and Eastern Orthodox. In any case, even that theory is pretty much the weakest and least historically substantiated claim of the 4 leading theories of the burning of the Library of Alexandria. On the other hand, there is evidence that what was left the first two possible fire incidents (by Caesar or Aurelian) was largely already moved to Constantinople after that was made the capital of the Roman Empire (and preserved there).

It's also something to note that Medieval times were far from the ignorant times often ascribed to them by popular bias. The real beginning of modern Universities starts in that time, and there was tremendous scholarly work done during that time, including much in science and technology. There were even policy movements a few times to try and increase the education level and literacy of the people (Charlemagne had a major push to attract more and the best scholars to his empire and to educate a variety of groups, how far down the chain that was made available though I don't recall, and I don't think his successors were as focused on the idea).

Yea, from what I can tell, this is largely a somewhat popular conspiracy theory by tax evaders that claim that congress didn't officially create it therefore it's a private corporation, though the IRS refutes this saying they were created by the some particular Secretary that had the proper power to create the IRS as part of their authority to collect funds or taxes or whatever.

The IRS at least officially claims it's part of the Department of Treasury and headquartered in Washington, DC (and I've been by the building several times at least). And, while less of evidence, they do have a ".gov" domain extension which is reserved for U.S. government official sites/sites run by government entities (but so does the federal reserve, which IS closer to a private organization, though it's more of a pseudo-private-government entity, in a rather convoluted way, which probably makes them exempt from various laws like other pseudo-private-public organizations).

Yes I understand that except you only need like 12Mbit to stream 1080p and like 40Mbit for 4K so I fail to see why it's bad for video. And yea I agree...that should be illegal