The Tek 0217: This is a Gray Area | Tek Syndicate

Dammit, word buffer overruns all over the place, Hawking is a priest of Scientism (not his fault, nor Einstien)

Do you think perhaps that by associating ideas with him it'll discredit the ideas when the man falls?

Or perhaps it's just a talking point from a known name to further entrench the embattled peasant middle classes against their leaders and embed the corporatist future?

I would like to precise that hangover symptoms are linked to intracellular dehydration specifically, which alters the functionning of the neurons.
An extracellular dehydration will not cause a hangover (you can peacefully experience diarrhœa).

To soften the hangover, it is recommended to drink a lot of water along drinking alcohol.

"Those loonies are gonna BLOW UP THE OCEAN!"

Qain needs to stop derailing topics with crap like skynet.

It took 1 hour before Wendal ever made some points. On cam he was mentaly face palming.