The small linux problem thread

It’s an issue with the F36 installer, they already marked it as a blocker for the release.

As for my audio issue… talked a bit on the Fedora Discord but didn’t get very far.
They suspected that maybe the selection in KDE isn’t working and therefore audio is still going to the default sink (the HDMI, which also doesn’t output anything). They suggested using wpctl status to get the device ID and wpctl set-default ID to change the default, but that didn’t change it either. It’s still on the HDMI and still not getting audio.

So something is very wrong here, any ideas?

I’ve already deleted/moved ~/.config/pulse, ~/.config/PulseEffects, ~/.config/pipewire, and ~/.config/pipewire-media-session with no success.

For reference, wpctl status:

[tarulia@fedora]~% wpctl status
PipeWire 'pipewire-0' [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, cookie:1677237968]
 └─ Clients:
        31. uresourced                          [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:1628]
        32. WirePlumber                         [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:1640]
        33. WirePlumber [export]                [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:1640]
        54. QPulse                              [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:1908]
        55. pipewire-pulse                      [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:2100]
        56. Plasma PA                           [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:1730]
        58. wpctl                               [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:3869]
        59. Plasma PA                           [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:2644]
        68. Chromium input                      [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:3689]
        69. WEBRTC VoiceEngine                  [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:2850]
        70. Chromium input                      [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:2883]
        71. libcanberra                         [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:2644]
        74. Chromium                            [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:3689]
        77. xdg-desktop-portal                  [0.3.49, tarulia@fedora, pid:3043]

 ├─ Devices:
 │      39. Vega 10 HDMI Audio [Radeon Vega 56/64] [alsa]
 │      40. Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) HD Audio Controller [alsa]
 ├─ Sinks:
 │  *   41. Vega 10 HDMI Audio [Radeon Vega 56/64] Digital Stereo (HDMI) [vol: 1.00]
 │      42. Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) HD Audio Controller Analog Stereo [vol: 1.00]
 ├─ Sink endpoints:
 ├─ Sources:
 │  *   43. Family 17h (Models 00h-0fh) HD Audio Controller Analog Stereo [vol: 0.74]
 ├─ Source endpoints:
 └─ Streams:
        63. Chromium                                                    
             57. output_FR       > ALC1220 Analog:playback_FR
             64. output_FL       > ALC1220 Analog:playback_FL
        96. Plasma PA                                                   
             98. input_FL       
             99. monitor_FL     
            100. input_FR       
            101. monitor_FR     

 ├─ Devices:
 ├─ Sinks:
 ├─ Sink endpoints:
 ├─ Sources:
 ├─ Source endpoints:
 └─ Streams:

 └─ Default Configured Node Names:
         0. Audio/Sink    alsa_output.pci-0000_0d_00.3.analog-stereo

Edit hours later:
Progress…-ish? There is actually sound… when I turn up my speakers all the way (which would normally blow my ears out) I can just barely hear it over me typing (and it’s not a Model M).

It is the exact same issue we were discussing at length here:

That was the first thing I checked, no idea how I missed that slider… anyway, the conf file we fixed it in last time doesn’t exist (because PipeWire and not PulseAudio).

Any idea where the replacement file for that is :eyes:

Found it already, it’s in the same thread posted above.