The small linux problem thread

That was a issue in Debian Testing due to incomplete update to SystemD. You really should be running the current version of Ubuntu to the current LTS. Or ensure that you are running the current backported version of SystemD.

Basically, the issue is that it would run the halt command but the system would never get to the power off sequence. So it is ready to shutdown but nothing is issued after that.

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Possibly if it supports USB OTG. Essentially, that device needs to be running in client mode otherwise.

I figured it would be something like that.

I’ve been thinking about giving Manjaro a try, after I had all my pc’s booted off a live usb for some sha256 testing for alpha754293.

I really liked the clean look of the xfce desktop environment, So I think I’ll just install that instead :slight_smile:

I did use to run Antergos on my laptop, but the install died when the battery went from 100% to 0% in 3 minutes during a kernel update… :upside_down_face: Other than that, there wasn’t any problems being on the bleeding edge of updates :slight_smile:

I would recommend Debian Testing or SID if you like APT based distros. then you can run what ever DE you like and not have to deal with Canonical’s control over your system.

I personally use Debian SID (pretty damn stable and what Ubuntu is based on) as my main and ArchLinux for my Gaming OS.

I am having an issue with Docker permissions on one of my machines.

Apt is not working in docker containers, saying that name resolution is failing. I narrowed the reason down to because /etc/resolv.conf permissions in the container are rw-r-----. If chmod to allow anyone read access (rw-r--r--), then Apt starts working. This is only a temporary fix as it is overwritten in the container on start.

On another machine, I started up the exact same container and tag(mono:latest) and the permissions where rw-r--r-- which seems to indicate that I have something wrong on one of machines.

Does anyone know how to set the permissions so anyone can read resolv.confby default for all containers?


Well a full purge and nuking of config files then reinstall of docker fixed it. Thank God for docker-compose, containers were down for like 10min total and bringing them up was easy.

does anyone know how to fix video playback issues in firefox?
When I play the save video back in chrome I don’t get any stuttering. Some people on the firefox forums mentioned below

I tried disabled hardware acceleration, webgl, and my extensions separately, but none of the suggestions worked.


  • I recently messed with my opencl settings when trying to figure out folding at home.
  • when I disable folding, playback is not choppy
    • when I enable folding while playing the video back in chrome, playback is not choppy

doesn’t that require a special usb micro b cable?

both my devices only have type a ports

I found a tutorial for Rpi Zero W, but there is plenty of search results in google that might cover other examples of “hard drives with linux”

No. It requires the device to be able to switch between host mode and regular client mode. Certain hubs need to be able to support it if you go that route.

Hello I’ve got a little question about lm-sensors on PopOs , it returns Tdie = Tctl and I don’t know how I can fix that, my R5 3600 reports between 50and 60C during light use and 65C during gaming.

On non-x models, tdie and tctl are the same.

Ok thanks for the info.

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To expound on this, AMD sets tctl higher on X models to cause the fans to ramp up sooner. In my opinion, it’s a silly design choice, but it seems to be working for em.

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I’m experiencing some weird behavior by vlc on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS. Each time I play a video, a new instance of VLC seems to be launched. And I can’t close the other “tabs”?
And vlc appears several times in resource monitor…

Any ideas? Beside the facts that I should probably get around to updating my system?

So, launching a video from a file explorer will open a new instance of VLC.

I’m not familiar with VLC, but it looks like it’s got a tray icon going on.

You might be able to get it to not minimize to tray when you close it by looking in the settings.

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Iirc VLC has an option to only allow single instance, even think it’s on first tab when you open options.


Indeed there was. This has fixed it. Thanks :slight_smile:


Arch updated last night, this morning I rebooted.

Somethings wrong with the nvme drivers. :angry:

Currently investigating, but a warning to nvme users, don’t install kernel 5.7.2


I am having an issue with controller input.

Ubuntu 20.04
Witcher 3 (GOG Edition)

I am using a Google Stadia controller, wired. Controller works ok apart from the camera is constantly on the floor looking up. All other inputs work fine.

Not an issue with the game as unplugging the controller and using mouse and kB there is no issue

This used to be an issue on Debian back in ~2016. It had to deal with disabling the gamepad from taking over mouse input in X. So are you using Wayland or X as the display server and are you using XInput or LibInput?