The Pfsense Router of an Old God

So I’m one of those guys that went all out on this router/firewall. I’m new to the game so forgive the happiness that this has brought me. My setup is like so: I have a pfsense router running on a 4 core xeon 10 gb ram and 500gb hdd. I have a openvpn server running so I can connect my phone. I also have 2 nordvpn interfaces running for my traffic leaving the router. I have my traffic setup in such a way (as in my rules) that my traffic goes to specific hardware to filter my traffic through the nordvpn interfaces or wan.

Of course, I have my phone that uses openvpn to tunnel through to my nordvpn service at my router to get my vpn service.
That doesn’t make sense though right? hahah well my friends I also have Quidsup NoTrack dns/web server blocking any ads or bad sites. This helps with traffic on my network and also works like adaway, if you are familiar with that. So i get my phone to have traffic blocking ads through my web server and then tunnels through to not being tracked with my vpn service running through nordvpn. Works like a champ.

Freaking love it. I also put the firewall rules posted from level1tech for microsoft tracking and that flared my firewall up but this suricata thing basically shut it all down. It sucked. But thats okay. If people got questions, I’m willing to help how I got to my point. However, if you can help with my suricata problem on my network with all the above configurations. I would greatly appreciate it. I want this thing to be a monster.


PS: If you do ask why I didn’t just root my phone or jailbreak it. Well, I’m stuck with verizon and their version of samsung galaxy 7 and that thing doesn’t have a good root. So i needed another out before I broke my phone for good. And this tends to be the safest way, unless you have rooted verizon phone that I can go and try doing myself.

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