The Monero Dominatrix; Level1 News 2017-12-25 | Level One Techs

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I’m not really sure if Borg babies are the best idea…

But yeah, I do get that the story was about robot assisted artificial insemination. Basically just really high tech turkey baster.

Also, The Monero Dominatrix is an amazing title. I had no idea that this was a thing… weird.

That bitcoin story is mad fake news lol

The “People are retarded haha”, said NYPD Officer Michael West, “My 8 year old son would know those weren’t bitcoins and lord knows he’s not the brightest”.
made me suspicious lol

That cheesy article was too cheesy to be true btw

You are killing me, Ryan.
In the top searches, you knew the movie IT, but you didn’t knew Bill Skarsgard, who actually play Pennywise in the movie…
PS: oh, the jokes at the end… Oh, have a nice trip, see you next fall… Oh dear… Oh the vicious hammering… Poor beatle…

So Ryan seemed like he was throwing back the holiday Eggnog before doing this show. Hilarious show. thanks for the X-Mas gift.

Forgot to add the link to the Beetle’s trouble with cathadors.

So if Santa were Clarence Boddicker?

Quick! Someone hat him!


@wendell, @ryan, @kreestuh why don’t you build a dominatrix AI with seductive Interface to get people mining bitcoin for L1T.
then you can replace your patreon income
great show btw

I was very surprised there was no quip about “Brando’s got what robots crave” for the sweating robot.

This robot sex conversation is becoming a bit of an uninteresting mess. The discourse is often muddled with values that are irrelevant to immediate circumstances. For instance, a sex robot that has no sentience, much less the ability to suffer is in fact a sophisticated sex toy. That’s all it is. There is no victim in using a dildosic device that looks like an entire human; any more than there is a victim in using one that just looks like human (or whatever else) genitalia.

The largest problem is that people are concerning themselves with associations. Those who wish to ban these things argue from associations between humans and non-sentient sex toys. If they are concerned about how others would associate these toys with humans, then they are essentially trying to police thoughts.

All of the associations that give people nightmares about these things are already illegal. If there is a chance that these devices can displace victimization to any degree in the future, I’m for it. We’ll just have to see though.

That sketchy “Dr.” David Levy only talks about prostitution. He doesn’t seem to know much about human behavior or pathology. He may be genuine in his interest to defend sex robots; but he blurs lines like one wouldn’t expect an intellectual to. For instance, he talks about falling in love with them and marrying them; while also suggesting that the people who would have them don’t really want that type of interaction. He also fails to include human trafficking, pedophilia and necrophilia. If you look at the studies on such things, there are common threads of control and being free to move on afterwards. That is grossly over generalized, but the motives are fairly well represented; especially with necrophilia. This David Levy is a soft target if there ever was one. He might be a stooge, for a launch platform, for third wave feminism on the subject. None of his arguments are well thought out, and he fails to point out the obvious associations in his opponents arguments. He’s either ridiculously inept, or a stooge.

If toys can replace victims, I see them as a positive thing.

If you’re interested in thoughtful analysis of the subject, I’d suggest john Danaher. He’s a young philosopher in Ireland. He’s covering it pretty well.

My intuition is that behavioral scientists probably won’t think that such sophisticated sex toys are a good thing; if they replace healthy sexual encounters with humans. They don’t tend to be supportive of even porn; when energies could be being spent on finding someone and doing something that is physically and emotionally good for you. There’s also the reinforcement aspects and creation of positive behavior patterns. Don’t take my word for it though. I’m not a psychologist.

I might be more healthy when it comes to stress and more tolerant of others if I were to have spent more of my energy searching for love. However without all this nervous energy, I might be dumb as a bag of bricks too. Along with Natural Selection and Stoned Ape Theory, I’d like to suggest a hypothesis. It may be the nerdy hominid, who wasn’t getting any, that created the tools, that birthed the thinking ape. We may have evolved from nerds; even though alpha males were passing the genes. :slight_smile:

Don’t know why this guy things he can have a hybrid baby, the Cylons had MASSIVE technology and they struggled with it… mere man can’t begin to comprehend how difficult it will be.


An actually excellent episode. Much Christmas spirit!

I heard that the guy selling chuck-cheese coins as bitcoins was a fake article


totally was, will be a correction :stuck_out_tongue:

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There it is, hard, fully loaded and ready to shoot.

The battle penis!

Just to add to it, I’d also consider the possibility of most actual alpha males being a specific kind of social nerds. They are being nerdy about their alpha status :wink: . One iconic article really helped me understand and relate to my nerd self better: (TL;DR - “nerds” choose other topics to focus on than the topic of being “popular”). Doesn’t make the popular people less nerdy about being popular, though, but explains the perception of futility of struggling with a game one lacks proficiency in, when a game you can actually master and play like a god is available to you. When choosing to feel like a loser, or feel like a god (within the realm of possibility), the most immediate choice is obvious. Doesn’t mean one shouldn’t master both the games to the highest degree possible, just that the positive feedback loop coming from success in a topic tends to define and direct a person to the highest degree. It is also central to successful learning, be it alpha, tech, or social science.

Then there is also the testosterone level thing, and as you put it well “the nervous energy” on a pure chemical level. IIRC John McAffee admitted to injecting it in the butt to feel more alpha. Does it cause dullness to some degree? IDK, probably, I’ve at least read some claims of that. I’d say that while one extreme ends to oversimplify, the other extreme tends to over-complicate. Then there is also the S&M aspect of it I’m not gonna touch on - it is a different exercise altogether, but nevertheless an important missing key piece in understanding the modern man human nature.

In those cases they do, I agree.

Yet I would still emphasize the concern remains with people opening up their inner pandora’s box to practicing some real bad shit and how that would impact on their image of self, and modify how they act. There are multiple extreme behavior therapies that an unstable person shouldn’t take without a psychologist observing. There will thus surely be cases toys are used as a stepping stone for the real thing or worse. This is one of the primary reasons why abolishing slavery was essential to humanity, and also why it is worth to ensure the worst hobos are regularly checked and cared for - so they don’t get used as practice target toys for psychos. We kill dogs who taste human blood. And if you are a somewhat normal person experiencing something really sexually weird, you may need to bring yourself down after that, or have an actual person by your side who can bring you down, take you back from that intense experience (because you wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t intense to begin with) into the realm of real boring every day world. A transition and a transformation not without a challenge.

I don’t care so much for the sexual attraction to a toy, or association of a sexual (mal)practice with a toy, but it does get a tad problematic when the fantasy following the act remains associated to real, actual, people, and the practice of the act is used to prepare for action towards real people, because, lets face it, that’s what (the proverbial) you wanted to experience to begin with, so why settle on the uncanny when there is real flesh walking by you in the streets?

Besides, how do you rape a robot? How does it consent, or not consent? How do you humiliate it, if you are a humiliating rapist? How do you infect it with aids if you are an infecting rapist? Depending on your specific pathological fixation, you may be quite unlikely to feel satisfied “raping” a machine which only looks like a, say, child.

I realize anyone reading this may end up wandering exactly how fucked up I really am pointing out some deeply disturbed examples of a variety of rapist pathological fixations. These are not exclusive to rapists. Murderers and other criminals often have fixations too, horrible fixations which help police psychologists profile and catch them. That’s how they sign their “work”. That’s how you recognize them, how they recognize each other, and their victims.

Again, understanding pathological fixations is also an important missing key piece in understanding the modern man human nature. We all see when a person is physically misshapen. There are other more important deformities to consider, though, as people carrying pathological fixations are more likely to try and shape the world in the image of those fixations, or at least make victims suffer through an intense imprint of that fixation which is as bad as a facial 3rd degree burn - a mutilation that never goes away.

Is a robot sex machine enough? To some, yes. To some, quite likely not. I can’t say it is necessarily worse than everything else already out there, even though some fucktard will almost certainly be practicing on them for a real hit. It won’t solve any problems. It will probably not significantly impact the current problems either, psychos will be psychos. It’s just a high tech dildo.

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The notion of gateways has pretty much been discredited. Victimization is almost always a cycle. Pathology tends to follow some type of lengthy trauma. Some of the most horrible criminals were socialized under extremely violent and even deadly circumstances. During the critical years many have seen people they know and even their parents being murdered. To their perception that is what normal is; a bifurcating tree of victimization, and the strongest win. There’s probably not much hope for using robots as surrogates in those situations.

Necrophilia may be another story though. The profiles of necrophiliacs suggest that maybe it might be very useful there. They tend to be relatively normal but very insecure. It’s difficult to say someone who has passed is a victim; but their families are certainly injured when it’s found out.

There are some who choose “love dolls” over human interaction for various reasons. I wouldn’t say that it was a positive thing unless it’s preventing someones awkwardness from becoming someone else’s. There are people who just cannot process social ques properly. These people might benefit from using surrogates to build behavior patterns.

Even in cases where abuse and neglect are part of the equation surrogates might help to build healthy behavior patterns. Psychologists may not get on board unless the goal is to build up to healthy sexual behaviors; but it might be a tool that could be used toward intervention and maybe even prevention where someone hasn’t been properly socialized. The problem comes with realizing that victims become victimizers. We need to approach this realistically and maturely.

At any rate, I’m far from thinking this through completely. It just get’s more complex and complicated from here.

The fact is they are going to exist whether or not they are socially accepted. Slavery is still alive and well; and young women, girls and even boys are the primary target.

There is an underground world that people get sucked into through peer pressure and probably even blackmail. It’s probably not even people who have grown up in physically abusive situations who are involved. It’s the institutionally supported psychopathy that feeds it and funds it. This is the strange guest at the dinner party. It may be the one that could be offset by sex robots. The appeal is the lack of risk. It may have a significant effect on human trafficking. These things are hard to wrap your head around though. There’s probably tradition involved; which complicates it in even more disturbing ways.

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About fedcoin. The article says:

When was the last time you paid for anything with a $100 bill? Or even a $50? Many retailers won’t even take them. Most ATMs spit out twenties no matter how much you withdraw.

Is it true that most retailers in America don’t accept $50 or $100 bills ?

I’m asking because in Europe I have no problem using 50 or 100 euro bills.

Yup… true. Reduces the risk of funny money. Today"s printer standards are up to the task of some really passable counterfeit money. That and poor education of the people handling it.

So why not just print $20 bills ?

Also, what do you do if you actually have $50 or $100 bills ? Do you have to take them to a bank to have them exchanged ?