The latest episode of the LAN. This time with me, @kewldude007 , @jajone4 and @Castiel .
Asus takes on Raspberry Pi with 4K-capable Tinker Board [Castiel]
TPP is Dead for the United States [Castiel]
But this does not mean TPP is dead for the rest of the world:
TPP may still go forward without the US[Castiel]
Trump names new FCC chairman: Ajit Pai The Anti Net Neutrality Guy [Castiel]
Transpecies Organ Implantation Successful [jajone4]
Clickbait bullshit pig boy on the loose
Quick Topics:
Massive HDDs
3DXpoint shipping soon
Galaxy S8 and Snapdragon 835
A report from Forbes, corroborated by The Verge today, has revealed that Samsung is grabbing the lion’s share of the first Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processors, and in the process forcing its...
Skylake X rumors
“Game Mode” AKA Elevated process mode:
Short, useless topics just like @kewldude007
(obvious /s)
Amazon taxes
Nvidia to push GeForce Founders Edition graphics cards - AIB partner profitability to suffer
After topic ramblings and then outtro
I wouldn't mind if some of those Nvidia exclusive manufacturers switched sides to make stuff with red team.
I still kinda miss my PNY GTX770 :(
Make it 64-bit and I'd totally buy one for my parents to use. I also wouldn't be surprised if we see a RPi or RPi-compatible SBC in the next couple of years that has 4 GB of RAM. As soon as an SBC like that comes out for >$70 I'd switch to it for daily tasks myself.
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