The Knights of Python - OpenCV - Intro/Community Question

So the OpenCV module of the Knights of Python series can be extensive, Very extensive...
The begining of the series should be to learn 'Filters' and applying them to images or a sample video. There are more interesting uses for OpenCV like recognizing motion or gesture with external devices or Licence Plates etc... There are many use cases for OpenCV and my question to the community is what direction we should go in? What does the community actually have it's interest in? Should we start at the beginning or jump into more interesting/complex modules in OpenCV.

Q to the Community: What are you interested in learning? Are you interested at all?

Post your comments down below !

Code on Code_Warriors !


Didn't knew that worked in python?

looked it up
ok that is awesome that it does XD


Oh yeah ! I'm eager to write the tutorials for it ( should be about 10 threads for this section ) but I'm stuck in the Labyrinth right now. I have some 'Data Analysis' tutorials I'm doing but I can use the Noobs Tuts I have written as a base, This is an entirely different animal with a ton of directions to go in. My Machine learning stuff is in its infancy if the community is interested enough. This is more so a platform to gauge interest and direction...

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OpenCV everyone should be interested in these kind of programming stuff!
But it has soo many ways to use it that it can give a headache how to apply it :p

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There are hacker level ( white/black hat ) level uses I'd like to get into but again, using the camera on an android phone but I'm not really sure on community interest...

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I took my rasp 1 from the graveyard 1 week ago and one of the project i though was interesting to do on it was face recognition, but it ended up being a web crawler for a work project.

but hmm yeah would be interesting to know what kind of community programmers we got.
But i assume for android your phone needs to be rooted? or can you just use that camera resource without root.