As well all know intel is the new graphics up and comer now having recently posted a spec sheet for something that might actually be able to compete with a 3080, as I’ve seen reported by GN. Which, I at least, think this is great news as intel has honestly been the laziest bunch of schmucks I have ever bloody seen.
But then I’m curious, what do you think will happen to the market spread? Nvidia has clearly taken top dog, but I’m not ever going to pay 380-550 for a 60 or 70 series card that won’t run well in my operating systems anyways. Amd seems to be content stealing everything nvidia can’t do fast enough without leather jackets and motorcycles and all the fancy shit. Respectable.
And then… Intel. Supposedly going to step somewhere between the two? I’m not the most excited about it honestly. Mostly skeptical. And now with item prices being retarded no one can really guess if it’s going to be ok or if every gpu is starting at 800 and we’re gunna get the rtx 4080 Plus S.
Look as long as everyone stops the dumbshit names and intel stops mass producing ewaste like that 56 core overclockable xeon I think we’ll be alright.
As for the original question: you are dissing AMD too much. I know they have a reputation of “just not getting it right” and given past performance not entirely undeserved, but recent improvements, as well as the recent ‘revelation’ that AMD GPU’s are actually better then nVidia on older hardware, shows that no longer be the case. also, AMD gets in a bad light as game devs have optimised their products for nVidia cards way too much and now AMD has come up with comparable tech, it appears AMD actually is competitive, beating nVidia in benchmarks as well as in real work. Not by much and not across the board, but Team Green is no longer comfortably ahead…
Well seeing as they literally just cut that 56 core up fore the next three or five years of lineup, if they do that with gpu’s they’re gunna fail after first wave to meet sales quota’s
Also I find it really funny that ppl are figuring out that stuff baout amd cards. Take that as literal evidence of driver tampering, something everyone assumed nvidia did for years and they’d always deny it.
I like competition, and I like Linux. One thing that Intel has done well with in the past is offering good support to the open source community when it comes to the tech in their processors and IGPs.
To my mind if Intel can come out with a competitive product at a competitive price with broad software support it will be good for everyone.
What evidence? Or perhaps better: evidence of what? Game engines and benchmarks optimised for nVidia products? AMD GPU’s proven better performance on older hardware? (see the Hardware Unboxed YT channel, quoted by several leading tech channels too, including Wendell and Linus)
are you suggesting that Nvidia is tampering with AMD’s drivers? I am not clear on what you are asserting. Could you also provide a link to a source because this sounds interesting!
Does no one srsly remember the big stink a few years ago after gameworx when a bunch of cards were suddenly trash at the launch of the ten series? I think like the 600 series had a sudden 15% performance drop or something, something that made it obvious.
This is the driver code itself. It’s the same driver on each on, so yeah you’re affected a little. But it’s after a few gets they go back and try to kick the low end users up the ladder apple style.
Even with the dumb tier of money / marketing / brains at avail, Intel cannot just leapfrog long-standing GPU producers, the likes of AMD/nVIDIA, in this environment, esp. when the inevitable marketeers speak during 1st / 2nd iteration releases… With that said, should Intel keep technical/financial pressure(s), with their GPU stack(s), we all could win, when addressing the long game [aka, more competition and another thorn to nVIDIAs side]
I see NVidia losing part of the market to people that want to do Intel/Intel setups, beyond that no idea. Will at least be interesting to watch as more companies enter the GPU wars over the next few years.
Basically this. I expect Intel to put out adequate but not great cards for game, but have just enough enterprisy functions to justify trying to cram them down OEM’s throats along with their CPUs. They’ll also customize them for $$$ for select partners just like their CPUs and other chips.
Gamers are NOT a market they really care about. That’ll be incidental if at all.
Go look at the lower end of the market right now for 10th/11th gen. 10400F’s for £120. 11400 for £150. That, with a memory OC b560 board is incredible value. They’re just delivering anything worthwhile at the high end right now.
That is a new, like literally just days old, change, before this they were charging insane amounts for yet another 4c8t CPU until they were forced to add more cores and they they just charged even more insane prices, it is only now that they literally have no choice but to do something reasonable they they are doing something reasonable. If they get the slightest hint (looks at GPU prices in dismay) that they can charge effectively whatever they want you can be sure they will.
Given I had 6-12 months of GPU driver crashes with a surface pro 4 and no fix from intel for basic windowing GUI shit not crashing, I don’t expect much from intel.
Also it wasn’t just me there was a 64 page (at the time) thread on technet forums complaining about it and how no fix was forthcoming for the intel driver.
High performance GPU drivers are difficult and high maintenance.
I don’t think intel will hack it.
They might have some decent performing driver for cad or something relatively static but games wise they’ll be massively behind is my guess.