The AMDGPU Info/News Thread

Just a quick update I installed Ubuntu Unity and thought I would try the driver again and the same happened as when I was running Ubuntu Gnome, it screwed the aspect ratio and crashed my system :(

So it looks like the AMDGPU-PRO driver really is not compatible with my card as the AMD Website stated. Hopefully they will increase compatibility across the range asap.

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The full driver is supposed to support everything up to a couple of generations behind....Now ETA is anybody´s guess.

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480 & others now supported on 4.7

I think I'll share about my not very desirable experience with the driver lately. Up to recently I was running fine on arch linux with amdgpu-pro and LXQt (and I think I had it with KDE plasma as well). With fine I mean very good performance (not the performancea you'd get with a fury x on windows but much better than before). I was happy Now recently I switched back to gnome 3 and thats when the driver crapped the bed. It wouldnt display gdm or gnome. I tried other gnome/gtk based DEs like cinnamon but I got the same results. It seems as right gnome-based DEs simply arent compatible.

That was not the same for me (though I'm not running ubuntu). I got similar results to @Masterfulliam. So we can confirm cinnamon and gnome to not work but I will try plasma 5 again (simply because im not sure if i did test it). What I can say from personal experience is that LXQt and awesome wm (though I wasnt able to test much as Im really not familiar with it) to work flawlessly in my testing. Though I am curious about i3 (though i think it will work), xfce, and lxde. However that will take some time and right now im enjoying the stability of stock amdgpu and gnome :)

Yes but it is an older version that only works with 285, 380 and Fury. Everything else uses gallium like @Leon_the_Loner pointed out. I am just going to wait for 16.10 and stick on Trusty until then.

XFCE is AMDGPU-PRO compatible... The PRO driver has MANY issues related to OpenGL version string mismatches and window management compatibility. AMD likes to blame everyone else for these issues, and sure they are right in some cases, but it doesn't mean they should ignore them and simply NOT apply a workaround to fix the issue.

That is one benefit NVIDIA has, if something is broken, they will work around it regardless of standards or 'acceptable' policies. Its kinda why they are now the MAIN linux GPU's to use because they just work around all the issues, its not really good in a sense of a clean coding ecosystem, but it sure benefits the USER allot at the end of the day.

AMD just needs to be more aggressive at working around all these issues rather then waiting for 100 other developers to patch in a fix which will never happen.

For example there is a bug in COGL 1.22 that causes the AMDGPU-PRO module to compile incorrectly. AMD COULD work around this issue but instead they are waiting for COGL dev to apply the fix (which COGL dev has told them to fck off, practically). (causes black/white screen issue and also graphical glitches)


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Got some sources on this?

From what your saying it sounds like AMD are doing the correct things, fixing upstream rather than making a hack, which is the right way to do it. Maybe they need to be more aggressive in helping upstream developers, but it sounds like that one just wants to be a dick about it.


You can find allot of discussion in the AMDGPU-PRO threads on Phoronix Forums in the AMD section. AMD devs discus issues there allot.

The COGL dev is just not interested in applying a patch that is to resolve a issue that only exists (apparently) on a single driver. ALL other drivers from what I can tell don't have a issue with it.

The other problem was the OpenGL compatibility strings being like 4.5.12312332534653463463463465345345 instead of just 4.5. You see some games and in particular FERAL game ports don't like such strings thus won't work with the driver.

All of these issues you can patch yourself but its not for beginners! In saying that I patched up COGL myself and was only able to get slightly further into the desktop on Cinnamon (gnome3), while some other people managed to get it fully working.

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Still need to get AMDGPU working on 370 ;A; AMD PREEZ!!

Im pretty sure amd recently released initial gcn 1.0 support for amdgpu though I dont know how to activate it

Just an update: Literally everything but the 370 is supported in AMDGPU-PRO according to the AMD site.

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So will older cards be supported? I have HD 7770, it's GCN, I believe, so they should support it, right?

You might be cutting it close, mt laptop has a 7670M and it isn't GCN

Well, it does support Vulkan on windows, I believe. Also the AMDGPU driver works out of the box.

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A 7770 is just a 250/60 isn't it? I'm pretty sure its fine.

I do not see the 270 either. But the 270X is just a buffed up version of the 270. It might actually work for them as well.

This article from 26 Jun says that there will be experimental support for GCN 1.0 in Linux 4.8 which is disabled by default.

Maybe I'll try it with the 4.8rc1 kernel someday.

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Yeah thats in the list of articles above :P I'm just confused as to how theres 250x support and not 270/370.

the COGL fix for ubuntu gnome 16.04 fix

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Yeah I know about the fix/patch but for some reason it didn't work for me (appeared to compile fine), shrug.

I have a 1070 now anyway, sold the 390 OC (apparently I was not given a 390x, they dodgy swapped it for a 390 OC....).

There is another big issue with AMDGPU-PRO driver also, some patches floating around for older version of driver. That big issue is the opengl version string causing all feral games to ctd...