So I got what likely was a silicon lottery dud of a 1080 Ti which can’t increase the power target and retain stability on stock fan curves. Stock fan curves running Vulkan only favor stock power limits.
Now, what are the factors that can contribute to a crash? Nvidia has no separation of Tdie and Tedge, so hot spots on Nvidia GPUs may actually be hotter than what it’s reporting.
I’ve found using the stock power limit seems to work for this poorly binned STRIX 1080 Ti, but using the max power slider requires 100% fan speed to prevent crashes, and the VRM plate is quite hot when those power limits are raised.
Also curious if full coverage waterblocks don’t crash with the power limit raised. Also none of this 1080 Ti testing had any of the clocks changed, it’s just a stock fan curve at max power limit on the slider causes the GPU to crash on Vulkan games.
Any attempt to change the clocks got me crashing in most intense Vulkan games, but very specifically Unity DX11 games over DXVK stress the GPU a lot more than even Furmark.
So, with all your experience out there, what are the characteristics of Vulkan GPU crashes due to OC tweaking? Specifically Vulkan and DXVK here, and we know the special snowflake that is Overwatch so that has it’s own challenges.
The STRIX 1080 held up pretty well, the 1080 TI I got might have been below average. (Would hate to find out others turning up their power limits on their 1080 TI at stock fan curves ran fine)
If it’s a worse case scenario that the vias going to the GPU die are being stressed from expansion and shrinking of the die from temperature, that’s not good.