To begin, I would like to applaud and thank you guys in helping spread and encourage the use of *nix.
Now, I know I saw one post similar to what I am about to say, but I kind of wish to reiterate.
I believe the direction that you have started your Linux videos, and some tweets I've seen by Logan, are setting people up for disaster. You guys keep advocating the use of WINE, which is fine, it is an amazing piece of software, but I don't think y'all should be showing people how to do things as if they were on Windows. Instead, you should be showing working alternatives to applications commonly used on Windows that don't have native support on Linux.
For instance, instead of showing how to set up a Windows VM for Microsoft Office, show good alterbatives like LibreOffice, or OpenOffice. Or instead of using Foobar2k, show of Clementine, Amarok, Banshee, Rhythmbox, etc.
I believe the point of these videos is to not try and show how you can augment Linux with WINE or a VM, but rather teach what Linux has to offer in its current state.
I'm not saying showing off WINE is bad, I just do not think it is where we should be starting. The thing is I believe there is a lot of dependence on Windows, for obvious reasons, but we shouldn't be depending on Windows once you move over to Linux. If you keep giving into your dependency of Windows by using WINE or a VM, then you'll more than likely just go back to Windows. Using Windows is fine, but for the purpose of these videos I just don't think we should be depending on it so much.
Sorry for all the text. I hope no one takes this offensively, it is just my opinion on the matter.