Terry Pratchet: Discwolrd series, Dodger was really good too. Most people know what this is, magic fantasy 39 book series based around the disc world, a flat disc on the backs of four great elephants walking on the back of a giant space traversing turtle. Really good reading, funny and engaging with great use of language.
Cherie Priest: Boneshaker, I have bought the second one but not yet read it. Set in an alternate past of Seattle were a gold rush hit. Follows the story of the wife and child of the dead inventor of the Boneshaker, who turned Seattle into an undead wasteland by releasing unknown blight gas into the city.
Ben Goldacre: Bad Science. All about the Hacks Quacks and Uncomfortable facts about alternative medicine and the down right stupid thing that they push on people and that they believe because it is wrapped up in "sciencey" sounding words.
Jyouji Hayashi: Ourboros Wave. A connection of short stories translated from Japanese about the future were we have limitless energy but also massive conflict between the terrane and the off worlders who have changed their thought process and live a very different life. Lots of thought pieces in it and I figure a lot of the Tek readers would like it. Highly recommended.
Tank Girl: graphic novels various artists, rude, crude, funny and varied in story style and approach.
Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion. Most should be able to work out what this is about. Also check out The Selfish Gene.
Douglas Adams: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. And the other books too. Great and wacky space adventure between unlikely peoples.
Alex Boese: Elephants on Acid. A collection of bizzare experiments, makes for light interesting reading. Kind of thing you can pick up and put down when ever and just read a few pieces.
Chew: Graphic Novels/Comic books. I buy the compilation volumes. About a detective who can get psychic impressions from food. Anything he eats will give him the entire history of that item. He does not like eating as a result but makes a great detective. How was he killed? Eat his finger and find out.
Edit: none of this spoils the story of any of these, just give some insight into the settings.