Tech News: Cacheless Machine Learning -- 2016-11-22 | Level One Techs

00:21 Corrections
02:18 Follow-up on why Cashless is bad/general banter
7:25 UK / Snoopers Charter
10:15 French Biometric Database
14:07 IRS is after Coinbase Users
18:27 Sweden is looking at Digital Currency
20:28 Deputy Zuckerburg, Champion of Ending Fake News
22:04 Obama also wants to take up that mantle
23:04 Pure Political Discourse is almost always not rational
25:33 Google wants in on the Fake News thing
27:00 Renewed Calls from NYC DA to reverse apple encryption
30:20 Twitter ending "Alt Right"/"hate speech" accounts
34:07 Follow us on twitter?

34:20 Machine Learning Mega Section (30 mins on ML!)
35:07 ML Conf SFTakeaways
36:44 Algorithms from ML Conf
38:40 DeepMind AI -- Lipreading
41:50 AlphaGo interesting Go game analysis/breakdown
45:48 Looking at MarIO to understand limits of ML
47:00 Starting to understand fitness algorithms and why ML conf dudes said "hybrid approach" is still king
49:00 ML is a bit like the modern version of the mechanical Turk
52:45 Happy thanks giving!!
53:22 Thanksgiving is like The Hunger Games

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Wendells eatin all the M&M's...:)


Great episode again!!! knocking it out of the park!!!

I wish I was near yall to help with the audio... I actually have a skill set that would benefit you haha.

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ok so im trying to wrap this around my head. with our government giving our internet to the UK will their ISP laws be also carried out here?


The skit that you guys did in the last part of this video and the previous vids are amazing.
Don't get me wrong, the contents awesome as well.
Keep up the great job.

In regards to the biometric database story, any database holding identifiable personal information about citizens is bad news. Let's not forget how the Nazi's tracked down the Jews in WW2! This might be an unavoidable consequence as we move into a more connected society, but we have to draw the line somewhere while we still can.

I think you are giving the pass to Fake News too easily. There are too many places people can go whom as you said are not able to have a rational train of discourse and find "news" and "facts" (That are 100% literal fabrications) that support their irrational state of mind and side preference. This whole joke of a election was run off this kind of thing where the vast majority of "news" was actually completely false, with zero basis in reality or fact. Many, many ignorant people clung to this, because it supported their emotions rather than for any rational thought.

Sorry if I didn't word this well but anyone reporting "news" that isn't anything but outright lies really should be hit with libel law hammers viciously. Posting opinion pieces is great and all, but it should be made clear it's a OPINION and has -NO- basis in any actual fact. That is the problem Obama wants to address, opinion pieces being passed as factual events or information used to sway the less savvy and persuadable of the nation. Because the act is rather predatory, and I agree with it.

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I guess Wendell's robot kept moving a bit and making subtle moves while Wendell was explaining things, because of us noticed him not moving at all in the other videos. Especially during the curing consolitis video, he literally didn't move from 21:45 to 22:33 XD


Government has no right to decide what is fact

Opinion and fact are two sides of the same coin, what you consider opinion some may consider fact and vice-versa. It's up to each individual to decide what is true or not.

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"Always question authority wherever it is."

I think that's about as close as one can get to a fundamental truism. Reminds me of something Howard Zinn wrote in A People's History of the United States -- "Civil disobedience has never been America's problem. It has always been civil obedience."

Also, that whole "It's stupid/bad when Americans do it, but not when we do it" is funny! These people are actually being abusive towards a bunch of well-meaning information activists for doing what they themselves do all the time, rightly in my opinion, to the America -- i.e. expose the inherent hypocrisy. If it's wrong when they do it to us, then its wrong when we do it to them. I have seen some of these comments on youtube, and they are either trolling or just being ultranationalists. And yes, people who are not "stupid Americans" do that too... all the time! And that's just as moronic when they do it too...

I suppose that's why Oscar Wilde said, "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious."

Ummm... no! Opinion and facts are not the same things, and in some cases the government has the duty to enforce objective facts. For instance, global warming is a fact! The individual (person, or corporation) has no right to treat it as an opinion, and any necessities stemming from the fact of global warming (regulatory measures) must be imposed without exception if the planet is to remain inhabitable.

What the government has no right to do, is cherry pick facts to benefit specific vested interests. That happens when private capital and money make their way into a political system. The solution there is not to cry "Big Government", which is the alt-right euphemism for "eliminate what little regulation there is so we can loot and pillage in peace, and legally", but to use time-tested political methods (civil disobedience, occupy, direct action, mutual aid, public education etc.) to squeeze the private capital out of politics. Politics is not a dirty word, and it is not a problem. It is a tool, a method, and the distortion of the tool is the problem. When your computer crashes, you don't throw the system out, yelling "Big Computer"!! You analyse the problem, see what the hold-up is, and then eliminate that problem so you can keep the computer.


That is a load of shit. Fact is fact, there is no opinion about it. No one needs to "decide" anything. You act like they need some moral code. But when you say someone did something, or something it happened. it either did, or did not. There are places out there that are literally fabricating everything they post up, no moral code to it at all. And that had a huge amount of influence on this election. It's nonsensical because so many don't know the difference, or are too emotionally vulnerable to make wise decision. I don't give a shit if it's gov or a independent party, but this shit needs to die, libel laws should cover this, period.

You are pretty much advocating my right to get on a facebook page or twitter with millions of people in traffic and say your mother fucked a dog and had it's kids as a means of disqualifying her for a job position I don't want her to have. You can rebuttle it, but I will reach far more people than you will re-convince otherwise. It's wrong, on so many levels.

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The trouble is who get's to decide on what "fake" news is. The most convincing of people will use 90% truth with 10% lies to fabricate a story that is far from the truth and the mainstream media has become very good at this, as most of us well know. All one needs to do usually is follow the money to understand where the narrative comes from.
I'm not invalidating your point though. There is a lot of garbage out there and a some people will just listen to what appeases how they already think. It can be a full time job to investigate all angles of any given story, and who has time for that these days!
It becomes a bit of a double edged sword. Do we allow things to go on as they are and allow everyone to regulate their own information, or do we want some body to regulate it for us? I think we can see how the later option can be influenced by corruption and end up being worse than the former.


I agree with what you have said! Especially with this bit:

But to answer your question:

The most widely used, scientifically reviewed model of media analyses is known as the Propaganda Model. Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky developed it in the 70s and 80s, along with Marvin Minsky and a few others. There's an excellent documentary on it.


Like some say "Shit will still be shit, just shaped diferently" but hey, in time of such "crysis" is a good time to don't give a flying fuck about that mainstream media brainwashing crap and live your life at the maximum in your desired way... In my case I cross to USA everyday, and I don't worry about wars or walls, I'm just a cybercave bilingual regular dude that has a dayjob in MX that plays racing sims and watches some weird Japanese "cartoons" sometimes mainly in one of his several poor man but decent computers that gets thx to nice HW from your garages, /r/HardwareSwap , thrift stores and flea markets and buys hw for less than what you buy junk food, and a uber ride to a craigslist seller place.

I love USA and I try to stay positive no matter what the shit happens with the world. Some of my relatives and friends are over there and some are as you mentioned, like freaking zombies. But also have that cool cousin that smokes and grows legal medical weed with his husband in CA and knows how the fuck this world works, or at least how can you make it through dire times and become better and outdo yourself. Murica' land of the free.

Will definitely watch the documentary you posted, but even so, it can be challenging for even the most open minded people to keep up with all news sources. Even I tend to lean towards the tried and tested sources, but for all I know they could also be mislead.

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I think all it takes, though, is to not allow externalities (patriotism, nationalism, ethnicity, religion etc.) to bias your views, and then ask "Now, is that right?" whenever we come across any news!

For instance, when some conservative news source tells me that I should hate the Mexican day worker because he is taking my money, I like to ask "Now, hold on a minute! If he is taking all MY money, how come he is not taking all the Rothschild's money, or all your money? And if him/her working a day job is so strenuous on the economy that the Republicans have to shut down and defund public schools, how come that billionaire douchebag just got a tax break? Why should I hate someone -- immigrants, muslims, single mothers -- who has the same problems as I do, and not those who have none of my problems (jobs, education, student debts) but instead seem to be getting rich off my problems?"

The same goes bigger news, like Foreign Policy, terrorism etc. Whenever someone blabbers about 9/11 and national security and terrorism, I ask them whether they know about the first 9/11? 9/11 1973, when the US sponsored a military coup and destroyed Chile's democratic government, killed their president and installed a military dictatorship. If terrorism is defined as "use of terror and violence for political ends", then who has indulged in more terrorism than our country? What if the rest of the world decided that they will unilaterally bomb the US, and fix our problems... like we so like to fix theirs?


In reference to the machine learning bit, i am not even a college student just someone who likes maths and i was able to make a Neural Network and Genetic Neural Network VS Checkpoint to Checkpoint AI basiclly drivers racing around a track in unreal engine 4. It's no driverless ai, thats for sure but if someone who doesn't go to school can manage to put a few lines of c++ together to create a genetic neural network that can race around, i think we are far better off than allot of people make it out to be, at least in terms of humans adapting to industry change. Machine learning is a weird tool, we as humans will have to learn to use it or be rendered obsolete.


College, or any other formal education, has nothing to do with what you are capable of! Well done, and keep it up!

I agree about machine learning, too. There are things machine can learn, and there are things machines can't learn. There should not be a big debate about whether we can adapt to, or learn to use machine-learning where they do a good job! The debate should be about how to use them in a productive way so that it ends up being beneficial to humanity, instead of another profit making tool!

It is pretty obvious that every society needs an independent organization (probably several) private or publicly owned that is under some kind of social control to do the filtering of the news. In Europe this mostly took the form of the state owned media. With various degrees of success. In some cases that that media were kept independent and outside the commercial aspect they worked pretty well in giving a holistic and accurate representation of events. That is why in Europe Free Speech is directly linked to the existence of a state media organization, as non-come4rcialized organization that can work independently from any authority structure. Other cases that the state had too much influence on the state media they ended up propaganda machines. Equally there have been private initiatives that have been equally good or bad in terms of trustworthiness. So there is not one right way of doing this.

If you want to improve news coverage and the whole ¨fake¨ news issue the solutions should be both personal and collective. For example:

1) You should not look for objectivity. This cannot be defined. But you should look for trustworthiness. If the media source is clear about its political bias and they clearly mark what they are reporting as events, reports or opinion pieces and they do not mingle the 3 together. That is a good indication of a source you can use. There are some very basic ethics rules that any independent news source must generally follow to do a good job. It is easy to see when they are violated if you actually know them.

2) Sources that are not commercialized or their economic survival is not relying on a single big source or advertising. Or even better their survival is relying on crowd-funding. Such a source will have naturally smaller incentive to provide you will crappy click-bait articles or add it bias on news reports and naturally be under the publics control.

3) People should be highly educated in Eristic Dialectic. I would probably add things like The of Being Right in mandatory school curriculums.

4) No solution will be perfect. You cannot trust a source completely. And even the most trustworthy source will make mistakes. Thus any story you read about should not be taken at face value.

5) People should have more free time to judge the information around them. As you said none has they time to do research..But they should. Thus strict work hours laws that make sure people are not overworked and are paid sufficiently becomes a requirement for a society that can manage itself. Access to education and healthcare is important as well. Social Welfare and free time becomes essential for democratic freedom. It allows citizens the space to question authority and information more rationally and efficiently.

And none of these things require a single curator or a ministry of truth...