I am a bit confused by the Ryzen document I found. Hope you guys can halp me to get on the right track.
My goal is to have one GPU to run linux and some VMs in it.
I need to passthrough three NICs so I dont have to bride em.
I found one on amazon.de (iocrest si-pex24042 4 Port) that uses a single lane (X1) PCI Express for four NICs.
This will be quite handy for my purpose.
I dont need a second GPU atm.
If there will be a capture card w/ 4k I like to add that too, but atm there is none good available. And I think there wont be in the near future.
I would also love to add a NVMe Storage, but before I need to switch the MB I would drop it.
Can I run one GPU (x16) and a Gigabit Ethernet PCIe Network Interface (x1) with a NVMe Storage (x4) on a x370 Taichi MB ?
Will the PCIe Lanes on a x370 Taichi MB be enuff for my purpose, or should I go with the more expensive x399 Taichi ?
Happy to give more intel if necessary.