Sysadmin Mega Thread

Yeah, looks like some kind of character encoding problem maybe compounded by some weirdness with Angular?   is a very common character entity, so it’s weird a browser would have problems with it alone without something else in the mix.

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Big Sus 11.5.2

Thats sounds like a bad OS to be on


The proper name of Internet Explorer for a Sysadmin is ‘Internet Exploder’. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That just sounds like a good time in context of the shitpost.

I feel like IBM really mismanaged RHEL with CentOS Stream. Now they have a competitor. They could have allowed no-support, subscriptionless RHEL and retained all the users while consolidated the bug reporting. Rocky would have never existed.


I envision them trying to undo the change but the damage is already done

My unpopular opinion is that it was a good move technically and I don’t fathom the hate.


It makes sense, but people were unhappy about a service going away. That’s reasonable.

It was also reasonable to do it.

True neutral.


I don’t hate them but I think it turned out to be against their own self interest. To me it was mildly annoying.

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Salt is an event driven automation system.
You have a configuration manager part like ansible (with better “become” and better performance at high scale) but it’s a small part of the tool.

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Putting barriers to getting your stuff rolling is not a positive, now you need to get an account and all that crap to download the OS from them and link the server to your account to get the updates etc. More work = less users, people use windows/mac as its not a ton of work / thinking required 99.9% of the time. Linux = a ton more tinkering that is required like 20% of the time vs .1% for the competition.


Another day I wake up and am glad not to be a Windows sysadmin.


Eh only on the cloud, not windows in general. Super fucked up tho

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This is why we cannot have nice things.

Oof, that Apache vuln is nasty. Selinux should have your back to some extent here, although idk if it could differentiate between the vuln accessing cgi vs normal Apache access…


I though that it was common practice to not use CGI with Apache anymore. Am I mistaken that that feature is turned off by default now?

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That would make sense. I haven’t used apache for a long time though, so idk. I’m sure many installations have cgi enabled though.

I have not converted to nginx because I am an old and stuck in my ways.

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IE lots of old printers web gui

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