This is a wholesome thread. If I catch anyone not being wholesome, they’ll be reprimanded.
Susan Wojciciki is a gentleman and scholar. She deserves our highest reverence.
More importantly, she is absolutely deserving of this Free Expression Award because she makes sure that youtube is an inclusive place for all people that think the same as her
Freedom of expression! Except when we cant… Is she french canadian? She must be
YouTube the only content platform where its all about you pushing my agenda and nobody elses! One world! One Vision! One inclusive fucked up hive mind!
Its an act of divine providence aint it?
Wait, what? Last time I looked (just now ) she’s very clearly a woman
assumes facts not in evidence!
Objection noted, denied and rebuffed such:
Given the image accompanying the article in the OP, she clearly identifies as female
So more tooting of their own horns. And another meaningless award for the make believe feels.
It’s easy really if you just don’t recognize anything as speech that you don’t like.
I could submit a video of a pizza being photoshopped into a woman in a bikini… but that doesnt make it real.
Let the Pizza play a 'Round…
This is exactly the same as a local mining company where I live giving awards to their managers with titles like “environmental sustainability award”… It’s so the news article titles give the appearance of the company being not what they’re often criticized for.
joe rogan & dave smith. A Libertarian (not liberal) gives his opinions.
honestly one of the best discussions of the human condition ive heard in a long time.
and from two comedians no less.
left or right but particularly if your some where between, give it a look/listen.
agree or not they makes some observations that we all might want to turn our gaze on.
even touching on this very topic of self aggrandising corporate fascism.
but theres more… go watch and find out
I have to rebut this a little. Libertarians are liberals, at least in the proper sense of the term liberal. That’s why libertarians are also called “Classical Liberals”. It’s really only in the US that the term “liberal” has become synonymous with “social democracy” and “social democrats”. People of the libertarian persuasion in other countries (especially Europe) are still called liberals. The Liberal Democrats in France, the Liberal Democrats in Australia, the Liberal Democrats in the UK, the Liberals is Sweden (and to a certain extent the Center Party and Moderate Party), all fall in the “US libertarian” area of the political spectrum.
In all actuality, the Democratic Party in the US is no where near liberal, socially or economically. What the Democratic Party is, is actually socially moderate and egalitarian.
call it what you want, it doesnt change dave being a libertarian by his own word.
if thats what he wants to call himself, im not gonna contradict him or tell him what team he should be on.
Fair. I am a libertarian also (I actually bounce between minarchist on a good day, and anarcho-capitalist on days where I’m annoyed), that’s why I was just pointing out the term liberal tends to be misused in the US. Unfortunately, you basically have to use the term libertarian in the US, for clarity. (I won’t bore you with internal party squabbles but it appears Dave Smith is from the Mises Caucus persuasion… I tend to be at odds with them - as much as someone within the same party can be anyway; I’m a Nicholas Sarwark faction person myself).