[Survey] Looking Glass UX Improvements

Hey guys,

I’m conducting some research on how to improve the UX for LookingGlass. I have some ideas already but I want to see what it’s users think?

Post your criticism/questions below!

Note: The goal here is not to manifest new features, but to improve the experience of using the software to make to ‘flow’ better and feel more seamless.

2 weeks


Capturing the Super key and preventing the Linux DE from opening the start menu would be nice.

Notification of version mismatch.

Clipboard sharing

Distro packages?


Tray icon


Documentation. I should really update my passthrough guides.



Capture mode selection, Display Capture or Game Capture, like OBS, for those only wanting to hook onto a DirectX game capture for streaming.

GUI along with the tray icon.

More formats than just RAW RGB buffers, like NV12.


OBS Plugin client or Raw buffer translation to V4L2.

Definitely another vote for a tray icon and an auto start option.
Adding a --version output to both the host and client would be a great help for checking the version mismatch issue.