SUPER Unique Problem - Remote app PC Control and Coding. PLEASE HELP

If anyone could send this to Windal & co so they can discuss it on the channel that would be great because this is a SUPER unique problem and I’m struggling to find a good solution.

The short version is I need a mobile app that allows use of my phone as a PC input; a keyboard and touchpad app. No big deal right? there are loads of those. Trouble is, I need a few very specific features and they ALL suck!

Let me explain. A few years ago I suffered a spinal cord injury that left me almost completely paralyzed from the neck down. To use a computer I used voice control for a while but it wasn’t super natural and there was of cause still no way to play games. I figured out an ok way of doing this by mounting my phone in front of my face and using a touchpad app with my tongue. I only found one that allowed me to play games, however - Splashtop Touchpad, but they stopped updating that a long time ago and as of iOS11 it is now un-launchable. I eventually found a replacement: Arcoid Advanced Touchpad Pro, and this works fine on iOS but I have been desperate to get away from Apple for years. Unlike Splashtop, Arcoid had an android version, but the problem is it doesn’t work in games! Something about the method used to move the mouse means it doesn’t work in programs without an actual cursor, such as computer games.

I have emailed the developer but as of yet, I haven’t heard back.

My computer is all I have left since the accident so I’m desperate for a stable, long-term solution.

Things I need in the app:
1)A mouse with a single, middle, and right click.
2)Special/modifier keys on the SAME PAGE as the mouse that can be pressed and left held down in a toggle-style. (Because I need movement keys, for example, to stay pressed while I aim with the mouse, or modifier keys to be toggleable so I can press things like CTRL SHIFT ESC with only one appendage (my tongue)
3)A keyboard that works in non-native applications. Ie, a keyboard that sends both the keystroke AND the reset commands to the computer and not just the letter itself, so it works in games. (Getting other people to type in character names or Skyrim console commands is tiresome).
4) A keyboard button that ISN’T right next to another small button. Both Splashtop and Arcoid had/have this problem and I can’t tell you how many times I have died in a game because I’ve it the keyboard switcher and not the button I wanted.
5) Smooth, reliable connection and control. Both Arcoid and Splashtop are/were ok in this department but I’ve tried plenty of others that have jittery mouse control or an unstable connection. Plus I think sometimes a command on arcoid doesn’t get through. I’ve noticed the failure to shoot or throw a grenade or whatever a few (uncommon) times in faster paced games like Overwatch.
6) Connection to PC over the local (wifi) network only. Remote over the internet not required.
7) Availability on Android

Arcoid is the best example I’ve found so far by a LONG stretch and has everything (on the iOS version at least) except for items 3, 4 and effectively 7.

Since the Android version of Arcoid is unusable for me, and I don’t know how long the iOS version will be supported I need a more stable solution to this problem.

Long-term, I’m guessing I am going to need to create my own but I have next to no programming experience at all and I’m guessing it would be ludicrously expensive to hire someone to develop such an app.
Short(er) term, can anyone suggest a suitable alternative to Arcoid? One that is available on Android and has the togglable keys like I said.

At a minimum, can someone suggest the best programming language to use for the app itself and the receiver application on the PC? Like I said I have no idea where to start when it comes to programming. Or a link to a good software developer would also be appreciated.

ANY input GREATLY appreciated. My pc is all I have left so I need a good way of controlling it.

Thank you to all


I’m a total dummy when it comes to this stuff but this is a really interesting topic. Hopefully someone will be able to help you with this :grinning:

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