Live stream with Ed from Sapphire
I accidentally tapped banner pin. Hope it’s ok.
Stupid fat fingers
thats probably ok
I like the banner pin… almost missed the stream!
Games are optimized for 1080p & high details
Who would have thought? Everyone who ever looked at steam hw survey
Just more detail at higher resolution hrm, yeah 1080 isnt that nice with larger formats so you need higher rez
I dont understand why people would buy intel for gaming ???
Except those optimised for consoles…
Consoles are 1080 resolution sooooo… wat?
Even the Pro and X don’t render in 4k (duh) for most titles.
I think there’s still a few titles that render less then 1080 and upscale, but those are rare these days. And even then, that’s still optimising for 1080 in a way.
Any particular reason why this vid is unlisted and not part of the regular ones?
Thanks @mutation666 for providing the link
Its a listed video as of me looking at it right now
That’s true. Interestingly enough, it was unlisted when you provided the link, but changed later on.
YouTube processing sucks sometimes