Strange / Severe problem with computer?

I have always had intermitent problems with my build from day one, most of the parts have been replaced, infact the only orginal parts are the case, PSU and gpu. I have had 3 sticks of ram die on two separate mobos.

I always suspected the graphics card but it was sent back to me with no fault found. The fuse in my power supply has blown once from mearly being turn on at the wall and had to be RMA'd at my expense.

I like to think that I have quite a good knowleadge of computer hardware but I'm always the one with the issues.

Long story short (yeah right >.>) I THINK I'm having issues with my motherboard. I get breif lock-ups when gaming and looping sound bugs. 

These issues occur with and without my CPU/GPU being overclocked. I am getting a STUPID quantity of page faults regardless of it's size or existance.

I am also getting crazy lag from using usb 2.0 so I forced to use usb 3.0 instead.

I will add a dropbox link to the log from latency mon while playing cod4.

I have tryed

  • every availible bios update to no avail
  • custom and default bios settings
  • Asus's drivers and the latest ones from intel
I have emailed asus but they simply don't reply.

My build -

Asus Maximus IV gene/gen3

i5 2500k

Corsair A70 CPU Cooler

Crucial Ballistix 1600mhz 2x4GB


Samsung 830 SSD 128GB

500gb Seagate HDD

Corsair 650w PSU




Have you tried a clean install on the spare harddrive we all have around when needed ? ;)

I've gone above and beyond that, The SSD and Hard drive and brand new. Which a clean install of course =p

Jokes apart, you should get a dummy replacement of any piece to check if your system works by changing hardware. And if you think it is a motherboard fault you should get a diagnostic card , or you should get it diagnosed by an expert.
It may also be the gpu,as you said , for example , you might have a detached ball from a chip,in which case you'll need a reballing.
That's all I can say about it... :-/   Once I had a similar problem with a faulty usb wifi and a faulty hd ( I had to use a bootable pendrive with a minimal linux distro to check for the disk integrity).  Hope this helps

It's been taken to a computer shop before to no avail. I have a debugger on my mobo but i assume that wont help.

Anyways,you are in one of those tricky situations where everything could be seen as "the problem" and where the solution could also be found in an old driver.
If you mounted it on your own , you should also check all jumpers on your motherboard(if any) and on the drives.
If you overclocked it,check for ram integrity;swap it with a new one/ friend one(unless you can do diagnostics).Same for the CPU.
That's how far you should go(unless you did it) , I guess... :-/

I got the mobo and cpu at the same time and the ram is brand new. The issue was there prior to the new ssd/hdd. Is there any common mistakes I could have made? The temps are all normal from what I've seen. Also, say there was static in the system, where would it be "held" as I've had issues with a different mobo/cpu. Could the PSU cause issues or can my graphics card really create this much chaos?

Have you updated the firmware on the ssd? 

yes, the issue was present prior to having it anyways. =( 

I got it...(probably)
You might have something which steals resources and makes peaks (Lenz's peaks/Eddy currents) in the branch of wire your pc is connected on.
I remember we(me and friends ,at our chess-club) had the same problem with a desktop which was sharing the same wire with a huge fridge(many people,many beers).
To make it short , that thing peaked so high when turned on it literally destroyed our pc (at first by hanging up,then with BSODs , finally death...)
They thought I was talking S*** until we had another mobo blown off in the same way... ^_^"
 Thus, I mean , it may be your house(too) ^.^"

So what does this mean for me and my computer and what can I do? I have always been suspicious of the power socket, it seems to wear out very quickly and sparks slightly when I turn it on =/. This may make me sound like an idiot but I just thought it normal due to the way switches work. Also, there is a downstairs computer which has never had any issues and should be on the same ring main since this is a small house.

If that's the case , you should check for ground leakage(also called earth leakage) in your house. That's the only option available , I guess ; you should wait for other guys to catch on the conversation as you drained cyborg's suggestions for today ^.^
Have fun ,I wish you solve your problem soon :)

P.s. : I'm sorry to say this but if that's really the case,it may have broken some hardware already :-/

"Also, there is a downstairs computer which has never had any issues and should be on the same ring main since this is a small house"That *should be* has to be a secure fact.If your pc downstairs works fine it may be 'cause it is older,thus it has bigger components,allowing it to spread heat and extra current better than newer hardware,were even the tiniest electrostatic current can lead to permanent damage.

I think static is more likely than the peaking theory. I didn't use an anti-static band when building my PC since I didn't have one and I was never told that it was nessiary (Assuming it is). Assuming it IS static, what would it effect and what is salvagable.

Did I get this right, you have replaced several parts already and stuff keeps breaking, and the PSU has not been changed? If so that would be my primesuspect. Faulty powersupplies can cause the most strange and aggrevating problems because they're so hard to pinpoint unless it's so faulty things just pop or burn etc. One possible scenario could be that the PSU is leaking current to ground causing imbalances in your system when parts run at wrong voltages.

I'm going to sleep and ain't checking back until tomorrow - but this was my first thought.

I'm in a difficult senario, it's not like I can just throw money at new parts (ironic given what I said earlier) I continued upgrading the system over time but the powersupply has been RMA'd so I didnt think much of it.

The only compent that has been "replaced" is the RAM, with was faultly with two different motherboards.

The orginal system was AMD based, but still buggy, I then upgraded to Intel and then got a new hard drive and my first ever SSD. My next planned upgrade was a new graphics card and a 120hz monitor. (I deviated a bit from the topic sorry)

Is there any diagnostics / information I could post because I'm not entirely sure what is wrong and I don't want to cause more unlikely theorys for something that will end up being a simple fault in the end.

About the power socket , did you ever open one ? They're *supposed* to work *that way* but *that way* deteriorates over time;that's another thing to check (or to get checked to avoid any risk).

How can I trouble-shoot this then? Is it really a case of buying a PSU and hoping it fixes it?

Maybe you're just getting some seriously dirty electricity to your house - maybe get a UPS to clean it up a bit?