Edit: Disabled adblock but it didn't help.
Do you have Javascript enabled? On Chrome if I disable Javascript it nukes the "Add To Cart" button.
I manually disabled javascript in Firefox and it also removed the image and messed up other stuff on the page but with javascript enabled it is working fine on version 50.1.0 but this is on Linux though, The issue might be specific to 50.1.0 on Windows? I've had browser issues in the past that only happen on certain OSes.
It may be an issue with 64 bit FF? Once i get a chance to boot up my laptop and check I will.
I'll have a look as well.
Something to check if you open up the Dev console (F12 I think) and reload the page it should show you if the button was blocked from loading and what blocked it.
You may be onto something:
My wireshark and firewall logs showed zero items dropped from the store so it's not a network issue.
Looks like it rolls back to a java script issue?
I just played with my ad blocker, and I managed to get the "Add To Cart" button to disappear by turning my ad blocker off.
Tried it again a few times and it was very intermittent when the button would disappear. Sometimes if I just let the page sit for a little bit the button would just randomly appear.
Like 10 seconds after that screen shot ↑ the button appeared.
The 64bit Version of Firefox does not support NPAPI plugins like java or flash.
Might be the issue maybe?
32bits or 64 bits version of FF?
I have a guess that this could possibly be due the site trying to load unsecure content and firefox is blocking the cross origin requests. Theres a few links loading stuff from squarespace that isnt using TLS.