Storage Expansion options for Gen8 Microserver

Hi all, I’ll be as brief as I can.

I have a Gen8 HP Microserver running Trunas Core and its running out of storage. It serves all my needs for basic file storage and PLEX. I’d like to add an additional ZFS pool of 4 SATA drives with minimal cost.

I note you can get external drive cages, which I could connect via a SAS card and breakout cable. I’d be happy going this route but the fact these products now seem old, it made me wonder.

Are there more modern solutions that would achieve the same, e.g is there such a device that functions as say, a 3-4 bay USB to SATA enclosure that would allow direct access to the drives. or would there be a more obvious solution? Some kind of iscsi for example?

Note that I wouldn’t want anything too loud or power hungry.

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Getting a SAS card, cabling and enclosure is actually quite a bit more pricey than you except. USB to SATA adapters are not a great idea as a permanent solution (they’re unreliable long term and performance limited).

Your best solution would probably by getting two fairly decently sized HDDs and replace your current ones or at least partially (apart from looking at something new). That being said, I would like to remind you that you are running on a ~10y old platform so take reliability etc into consideration and it’s not very power efficient. Unfortunately the motherboard is also proprietary so you can’t transplant it to another case.

There is something called SATA PM but you need another controller for that (as the built in Intel one doesn’t support PM), it’s usually a bit limited on bandwidth and can be unreliable.

I have a similar issue and I’m on Ivy Bridge which is one generation later than yours :wink:

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Are you after a drive shelf or more a NAS type? There are external HBA (host-bus-adapter) cards that allow external connections to said drive shelves.

External 16x card:

Converting external SFF8088 to internal 8087:

Open 4 disk HDD cage:
Make sure to add the correct power cable set too, choice is SATA or Molex.

Adapter cable SFF8087 to 4x SATA:

Cable sff8088 to sff8088:

Note I didn’t do business with any of these shops, so do some due diligence on your part. Consider Amazon/ebay if you have more confidence in those.



Be aware of non geniune (branded) hardware from Aliexpress and I do find it hard to recommend a 10y+ old controller.

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Aren’t there better options to connect external drives to a sever than SATA or SAS? Enterprise level connections that use fiber and are very fast?

Yes, Fibre Channel. But that’s not really intended to address mass storage devices, more routers and switches.

But there’s also U.2 and U.3, based on PCIe and NVMe. PCIe gen 3 is notably faster then SAS (3.5GB/s vs 1.2GB/s for SAS, 0.55GB/s for SATA) and newer generations of PCIe are faster still.

ZFS is designed to be expanded on the go. No need to add an additional pool. Just add the new drives to your existing pool and capacity and performance will be increased. Multiple pools are worse performance and double the administration effort compared to vertical scaling everything in a single pool

just noticed this is an old thread and probably obsolete. But the point still stands for everyone else :slight_smile:

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