"Steamroller" will crush "Haswell"

At the end of the day, the more fierce AMD are with their releases of new hardware the better. With AMD advancing their chips its only going to make Intel pull their socks up and take notice like they did with the introduction of sandybridge.

Fanboy nonsence really shits me to tears.

not fanboy when it's true that amd is shit in general cpu's are underpowered and gpu's have frameratting issue. 

This is a discussion about their CPU's and not the GPU's, regardless of that, the frame latency was fixed months ago.

no frame rate/latency issues on my amd gpu here.. non-sense. it's been fixed in my eyes since catalyst drivers v13.1

The frame latency won't be fixed for months. They have prototype drivers that fix it but nothing that we can download. Not even beta. It won't be fixed until they have whql drivers available for it and even then we'll need an update from pcper.

if that is an issue, it truly isn't being seen on any of the games i play here or affecting the performance.. i play everything @ ultra settings, ultra-smooth.

on saints row the third, street fighter x tekken, remember me, darksiders 2, hitman absolution, dead island riptide, resident evil 6, nfs most wanted, dmc devil may cry, grid 2, witcher 2, trine 2, borderlands 2, assassins creed 3, metro last light, bioshock infinite, diablo 3, primal carnage, skyrim, sniper elite nazi zombie army, xcom, guild wars 2, primordia, sniper elite v2, starcraft 2, tombraider, torchlight 2, amnesia, blood dragon, crysis 3, deadspace 3, chivalry, far cry 3, metro 2033, brutal doom, strike suit zero or magicka.. 

maybe this is an issue with multiple cards running crossfire.. i had issues before 13.1.. since then, no issues. i'm running 13.5 beta 2

EDIT: i am running d3doverrider v2.0.1 on top of catalyst for vsync. so i will give you that. ];p

Well I got to say off the bat. At the end of the day I think Intel will always beat out AMD. That being said I will always buy AMD. Price and Perfromance is great. I would always want cores behind every thread. I really only surf and game and record a podcast once a mounth. So I really don't need alot.

For me its good enough. I have a A-10 5800K and it boots windows8 on a 1TB drive in 20 seconds. I think thats great. And its enough to handle a mid range graphics card when I upgrade next mounth. And you can get unlocked processers for cheap. I think AMD is doing great and I'm happy with them.

I am a little worried about the 200 watt processers. And what the cost on power will be. I'm fine with 125 watt but I don't think you should ever upgrade you PSU for a new CPU.


rollymaster, this will be at least the third time I've given you this link, where there is data, from exactly the source you tell people to look, disputing your claims about the framerating crap. That you're still so fixated on this after being handed information showing you to be blatantly wrong is dishonest, not helpful to this community, and not even helpful to yourself.


Either dispute the data presented there (in that thread, not here), or quit spreading what I suspect you know are lies.

1. Single GPUs, from either side of the fence, do not have frame latency issues, unless you find newer or better data than that in the link above, which, again, comes from pcper, where you claim to get your information.

2. A prototype driver taking the first steps toward fixing the issue for crossfire was publicly released at least a month ago. Any progress on the fixes since then, I'm unaware of.

If you (or anyone else) do have data to back up what looks to everyone else like fanboyism, please, post it in that thread, that's what it's for. If you're right, then I have the wrong team's video card and I'd look forward to buying a new one. At the end of the day, not religiously holding up one company's products as "the best, period" allows everyone to have whichever components are actually better for their needs and can only be a good thing.

Sorry to derail the thread a bit, this misinformation has been going on for months.

Back to the topic at hand...

AMD does not need to compete with X79 processors. There's no money there. I would guess that Intel only sells CPUs at that price to squeeze a few bucks out of their failed server parts.

Where AMD does need to compete (totally ignoring HSA, which is, again, an AMD-only ballgame at this point) is the sub-$500 range. The only thing they lose at is raw single core speed. If Steamroller can deliver the promised 30% IPC increase (and that's a big if), they will at least match Intel in single core performance, within 5% or so, which is a tie by any practical standard. This would also equal ~30% increase in multithreading performance, which is already at least tied with Intel with the Vishera chips.

IF that all goes down just like that, they will have the performance crown at least up to the $1000 products offered by Intel. At which time, power consumption will magically become the most important factor in choosing a CPU.

In case there's any confusion about this.... Those 200-watt CPUs are not Steamroller, nor are they intended to be AMD's next-generation CPUs. They are specialty parts, like the Titan, mostly to get people talking and try to get a leg into the higher-end CPU market.

It looks to be fixed now for single GPU's but in certain games the Radeon cards would eat the dirt.


That is from -December 4, 2012- time moves on in technology the drivers back then where rubbish 

I was unaware that it wasever an issue for single GPUs, but yeah, that review was from December.

Hence the "*It looks to be fixed now* for single GPU's but in certain games the Radeon cards *would* eat the dirt."

Well there both poorly optimized console ports too that never run all that well to begin with.

I am geting tired of the slateing of AMD products on the basis of "it's AMD it's shit"

At least i see some logic with the comments for the most part.  I personally love AMD and Intel equally.  To be real though, Intel knows they're doing better so they're trying to drive as much money to their bank as possible.  This is a company that if they REALLY wanted to they could crush AMD.  Intel is one of the biggest technological companies in the world.  

Don't get me wrong, i have AMD on most computer i've built for my friends and myself.  Especailly that gaming is going towards AMD now, i'm really glad that i chose AMD.  The fact is for the price, AMD can't be beat.  I can save the money and buy a monster card for the same value as i could on an Intel rig.  I've recently done a Haswell gaming build and it costed my friend about ~$550 for motherboard and CPU.  For ~$350 i can do a similar AMD board and CPU rig.  That's the fact that keeps AMD afloat.

Haswell is a great upgrade but i don't feel that Haswell is really worth the money that they're charging.  When you put AMD and Intel on a REAL workload and not some synthetic benchmark, the difference of things are so small that it doesn't justify the steep price difference of ~$200.  Sorry but that kind of money can be better suited for better RAM, PSU, Video Card, SSD, and HDD.  $200 can go a long way when you do those upgrades.  I'm a game developer and i honestly can't see how 5-10 seconds of faster render time justifies the price point.  Lets go to game loads, majority of it is dependent to the Graphics, CPU's are needed to do Physics calculations in majority of the work but it's just astounding how many people throw Intel down peoples throat for an extra second or two of load time.

I don't know... Those tests were done the old way, with FRAPS, which both AMD and Nvidia have said is unreliable for the same reason. Then 4 months later with FCAT (which is much more accurate), there's no measurable difference in latency between the two brands.

Not that AMD couldn't have patched the drivers to fix an actual problem in those 4 months, had one existed, but it seems like as long as FCAT has been on the scene, there's been no difference in single GPUs. Seems like it could go either way, between mismeasurement by FRAPS and old driver issues AMD had.

Regardless, there has been no single GPU latency issue for either company for at least as long as FCAT has been available to reliably measure it. Again, unless I missed something.

Further discussion on this should be moved to the thread I linked to before.

"Right now amd has all low end shit that isn't even worth putting in tablets."

Somehow I doubt that an ARM based Tablet Processor is better than AMDs Octocore x86 Piledriver designs in terms of ALU/FPU performance.

Did you mean the MSI Z87 G45? or the GD65?

Both of those are above $100 USD unless you got the board on sale. I'm also curious to know as to how you were able to ascertain what would be an equivalent AMD motherboard. By what criteria were you judging?

PCI Express lanes?
CPU Power Phases?
Onboard Audio?
Onboard NIC?

What criteria exactly and what motherboard exactly? Because imo this AMD board offers a lot of performance/features for the price: http://us.ncix.com/products/?sku=62403&vpn=GA-990FXA-UD3&manufacture=Gigabyte&promoid=1316


Pyrophosphate this will be the third time I have ignored your link because my point stands regardless. framerating. 7990 is shit. amd in dual solution is shit.

Stop being such a biased wanker and realise that Amd have been working hard recently to reduce the trouble of frame latency. It is nearly a non-issue by now. Furthermore, Amd has processors that can compete with intel's mid to high end range for usually, a more reasonable price