So this is an idea I have been kicking around for a while now. I finally have a capable home server to do it on, so I am starting to make plans to actually implement my idea. This may initially only be a dumping ground for my (probably mostly half baked) ideas, but I will update it as I make progress.
I have a fairly powerful home server now. Dual Xeon E5-2670, 64GB RAM, SSD for boot, 2TB ZFS pool for VM storage, 16TB ZFS pool for file server. The only things I need are a decent video card (RX 480 probably) and a dedicated NIC or two for VMs. I was thinking about getting some SSDs for a really fast ZFS pool for VM storage, but I have mostly talked myself out of that (more on that in a bit).
So I have been gaming in a Windows VM for the better part of a year now on my main desktop, an i7-6700k with 32GB RAM. It is using a hardware-passthrough of a GTX 970, and the host OS is Fedora 23. It has, for the most part, been damn near flawless. I can play games at near native performance.
But I want to do this on my server. It has more horsepower, and is always on. Only problem is it would have to use Steam In Home Steaming. I tried using this a couple years ago, and was left with a bitter taste in my mouth. It just didn't feel right, it had this strange lag that I didn't like. I tested it with my old desktop (a Phenom II X4 955BE with a GTX 560Ti) and a laptop hard wired gigabit.
And so this is the heart of my problem: Is the delay or lag still present? I was going to do a test run between my current Windows VM (Win10 and the 970) and my HTPC, an i3-6100 and Win7. I'll try to do this test this week.
Surely the network isn't a bottleneck, right? Everything is gigabit, and the HTPC is wireless AC connected at 400Mb/s. I was going to try it both wired and wireless. Is it just getting the right settings between host and client for streaming?
The reason I talked myself out of doing an insane SSD storage pool (or even dedicating a single SSD to a VM) is because the streaming will be over a gigabit network. That means max speeds of around 110MB/s, but more like 80 to 90. Am I correct in thinking this? Because if I don't have to spend the money on large capacity SSDs I'd rather not...
So, yeah, mostly just a brain dump. I'll be playing a variety of games; DX:MD, Doom, Life is Strange, Empyrion, Skyrim, Far Cry series, Crysis series, and a bunch of others. I really want to get into Elite Dangerous.
Like I said, I plan on testing the streaming sometime this week when I have the time.
Ideas and opinions?