I’m about to make a steam caching server but i have question before i begin.
Atm i only have about 2TB space free for it, will get more soon, so i’m wondering if the server will automatically delete old date to make room for new when it runs out of space.
If not then i guess i have to wait a little bit for my extra storage to show up.
The special “cache manager” process monitors the maximum cache size set by the max_size parameter, and the minimum amount of free space set by the min_free (1.19.1) parameter on the file system with cache. When the size is exceeded or there is not enough free space, it removes the least recently used data.
Should help you understand, but basically whatever is the thing accessed longest time ago, will be the first thing to be kicked out of the cache when space gets tight.
So, basically it’s not the games you like the most that’ll be most likely to be cached, it’s those that update the most, specifically the updates… so you can download them once for multiple machines to benefit from