Start watching OG star Trek


I enjoy sci-fi series and I liked Star Trek discovery how ever I found few things in it cringy or not as cool as the reputation fo Star Trek make the series sounds to be.

I loved Stargate SG-1 the most ( watched multiple times ) so am not sure if the OG series of Star Trek will be good, I am afraid it’s too old that the Effects&CG will be intolerable.

I still don’t mind watching sg-1 but maybe nostalgia is playing big part there.

What do you guys suggest ?
Is there any hope of a remake or a newer series that I should watch?
Or is the old Star Trek still good worth to push thru it ?

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For me it is everything The Next Generation to Deep Space 9 that has the history and lore building and enjoyable stories that are new enough not to feel out of place too badly.

The Original Series is good no doubt and has some amazing moments of world building. But it does feel a but too cheesy, that what some people like specifically but it takes away from it for me and I can’t really get into it.


I’ve tried OG. Its too rough and the age has started to show.

TNG on the other hand, feels suprisingly passable even for today’s standards. You know its old and it does look a bit funny at times but the dialog isnt old people talk, like the OG. And I had really no fond memories of TNG while growing up - because it talks a lot and not much happens. Now that I’m older, its the dialogue that brings it to full life, not the actual space battles or the set imagery.


yup its decent. i started watching TNG thanks guys.

@Zibob @regulareel


coming out is Star Trek: New Worlds which chronicles the adventures of Captain Pike. Also check out The Orville on hulu. the 1st 5-6 episodes are kind of campy, as we are show various characters stories. many people dub it Seth Trek after Seth Mcfarland, who created the series. it gets more serious and the humor is toned down ( not less humor, just more “low key”) in season 2 , which is excellent btw.


The Adventures of Kirk, Spock & McCoy (a.k.a Star Trek: The Original Series) is not a good show by current standards, but some things are worth watching just for the shits and giggles. Like the Gorn fight. :slight_smile:

Some TOS are awesome though - Trouble with Tribbles, The Menagerie, The Corbomite Maneuver, The Naked Time, Mirror Mirror are all worth a watch. The series as a whole though… Only if you are curious and can accept the old, old filmmaking and technology.



Also this

There are some great episodes! if you can get past the retro look and feel, you’ll enjoy it. One thing that I think can’t be overstated is that if you like sci-fi it’s all about the story, situations, character archs, world building, lore, technology, politics, societal and economic issues, etc. combined with
the writing and acting, matter the most. Twilight Zone still works despite being around far longer than OG Trek.

Enterprise is pretty good too if you ask me, so if OG Trek lets you down in the aesthetics department or maybe it’s too 1960’s you can’t go wrong with Captain Archer.

The Corbomite Maneuver is one of my favorites. As you watch, I hope you like it too!


It’s been a little hard for me to get into TOS, but TNG and DS9 I loved.

TNG I think took a season or two to really get going, but it was great once it all meshed.


The Orville is pretty good, but that episode about the annual urniation celebration was cringy…and I know it was meant as a spoof of Vulcan Pon Farr but man…that was…wrong…

Well sometimes I accept the old filimijg technology and don’t mind it, like I enjoyed star wars the old trilogy and I enjoyed stargate Sg1

But other times I tried to watch old series or movies and I couldn’t so am not sure am the type of guy who can watch old stuff or not

I will keep coming back to this post to check all the different series and try to watch them all, after I finish the next generation series

My recommendation:
Just don’t stop after the first season or two of TNG - Give it a chance!
As someone who loves all the ol’ treks’, TNG is pretty unintentionally goofy in parts of the first one or two seasons. Not all episodes, but quite a few.

Once you get the ST “vibe” though, basically all the old shows become watchable, and the new ones unwatchable(they’re not that bad on their own, but man have they neglected some important aspects of trek…).

My ratings(spoiler-free):

TOS: Surprisingly watchable, once you understand what they’re going for, Gene Roddenberry’s vision and all that. Writing is clever, effects/acing not so much. Kirk and Spock are some great characters.

TNG: One of the favorites, without question. Very good writing for the most part, production is sensible and hasn’t aged much visibly. Acting is on-point. Episodic in nature, for the most part you could probably ignore order.

DS9: Has some of the best written episodes, also builds more cross-episode arcs(less episodic), leading to larger, more epic story. More character focused, IMHO the best character development out of all the treks, and is my personal favorite.

New-ish trek:

VOY: Watchable. Has more action, story/writing/worldbuilding is decent as well. A little more funny, mostly intentional. Janeway is not my favorite captain, but Tuvok and the EMH probably make up for that. A fun experiment, ironically more so than DS9 IMHO, even though that is on a space station.

ENT: Still okay. Writing definitely slipped a little. The enterprise just looks like a submarine from the inside. But at least it’s still roughly aligned with the principals laid out in the other shows, and makes for some interesting episodes explaining why they are the way they are(Shows the early days of the Federation).

“Kurtzman-era” trek(this is where it gets ugly):

DSC: I’m not a fan. They betrayed the principals laid out in basically all the other treks. The federation is basically a meaningless military now. This is trek produced by someone who really wanted to produce Star Wars. Still has it’s moments, and the later seasons get way better.
Probably one of the most beautiful shows production-wise because of the large budget and modern tech, but feels generic. Floaty hologram controls completely not inline with any other ST, fleshy space monsters, etc. An okay to good generic sci-fi show, but a bad ST. Somehow they’ve gone from educational and forward-thinking to preachy. It feels like it’s set in a completely different world.

PIC: Sadly has basically the same problems as DSC. The “big bad thing” is a bunch of stock footage LMAO. Story feels shallow, and basically insults TNGs legacy. They undo soo much… A lot of super generic “space magic”, instead of carefully written technobabel and cool props. Still has it’s moments though.

LD: Named after a TNG episode, surprisingly good! This show at least feels like it’s in the same universe as the older ST’s. Made for a younger audience, shorter episodes. The characters are believable and the setting and writing is intriguing. Bonus points for making fun of Alex Kurtzman. Out of the 3 new treks, this is the one I enjoyed most, even though in a way it is the most different to regular trek. There are still things I would have changed.


I liked generation but I paused it now. Because I decided to watch them all in chronological order so I googled it and it seems enterprise is first, and I am watching enterprise it’s also fine I am enjoying it