StarCraft: Remastered today

The old star craft launched today with a face lift you can play in high def 4k now with redone graphics for 15 usd or you can get the free version that has the old graphics but its been worked up to play on windows 10 brood-wars expansion in included.

I use to love the game my first copy was in 98 and I played it till I destroyed/lost the disk.


Free? How? And remastered? Where? Is it boxed? I love boxes…

awww, only from the Blizzard Store.

Well you need to register it in anyway, sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe it’ll come boxed one day, with collectors stuff and other stuff noone needs :stuck_out_tongue:

It even runs the old replays I have from 2005-2010!

Saying people dont need actual copies of games is crazytalk.


What do you mean? activation?

Didn’t say that, but the question is if one can even play without, so even if you have a physical copy and blizz hq gets nuked, are you still able to play without I know it worked with the original game, question is how it’s going to be with the remastered.

Anyone know if it plays in 21:9 yet? Blizzard doesn’t exactly have a great track record on this one…

Easiest purchase decision of 2017, bought it and now installing :smiley:

Oh. Yeah. Idk. I just hope they have a Physical release of the remastered game. I want to get SC2.

I was excited about it at first, but I’m not sure I even want it anymore.

  • Graphics are better, but I’m not sure I could work my way up to “passable.”
  • Gameplay is completely identical to the original, by design. No rallying drones to resources, no multi-building selection. You know, just the little interface niceties.
  • Actually I guess that’s pretty much it.

Maybe it’s my fault for expecting too much, but I wanted more from this than a minor facelift. Yeah, yeah, remaster not a remake and all that. I think most people and companies treat these terms as sort of a continuum, if not completely interchangeable, at least in regards to games.

For a lot of people, this is exactly what they wanted. I’m happy for them. It’s just not for me.

@prenihility I still have replays from the SC:BW days. Copied them into the Remastered version’s replay folder and they loaded right up.