Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review/Chat (SPOILERS)

I don't mind spoilers. I saw one YouTube reviewer did 2 reviews. The Light Side (what he liked, no spoilers) and The Dark Side (what he didn't like, with spoilers). Have to admit he was right about the bad stuff but it certainly didn't ruin it for me. But he posed a good question that I kept in mind during the movie. Trying to be objective...

If it wasn't Star Wars, would it still be a good movie?

Yes, It's a pretty good movie, but being a fan makes it a million times better!

To Infinity...And Beyond, Engage!

It was better than the last three combined, but it's not nearly as good as Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi. I felt like it was parroting or channeling those old movies a lot... perhaps too much. Actually, now that I think about it... it was way too similar to the original trilogy in a lot of ways. Same ingredients, different pie.

The acting, fight scenes, dialogue, etc. were all good. It's Star Wars again... I'm not too hooked on the new characters just yet. Han Solo has this charm that nobody in the new cast can match. I'll have to see about the rest of them. I do like Kylo though.


I'll be damn honest. I didn't think you were going to trek out to see this one in the theaters.

I agree that there are blatent similarities.. but i think that was done on purpose, to show a similar beginning. I think it was a great jumping off point for these new characters.

I think it will take the second movie for us to truly become invested in these new characters, as we are comparing them to the older generation. However.. I LOVE R2-D2... but i think BB-8 stole the show. The fact that he has varying speed, and another axis of head movement (not to mention his ability to traverse different terrain), give him the ability to 'act' and show more emotion. Like when he thought Poe died, and his head drooped down.... R2 couldn't convey that much sadness.

They will come in to their own during the second film. And damn it... i want to see/know more about the Knights of Ren! lol

@cortbyron Dear God... yes. If this was the first star wars, and there were no such thing as the original trilogy, it would still be a very good movie. In my opinion, anyways. there seems to be a small fraction of a percentage of people who disliked this film. But their opinions are insignificant, next to the power of the Force Awakens.

I agree. I thought it felt like A New Hope revisited, similar but just different enough not to be a rehash.
I recently saw CREED and when I got home I watched ROCKY. It's the exact same script. Lazy, but hey it works. I kept trying to link this new one to the old ones but I couldn't. Sometimes I was objective and critical, but for most of it I suspended disbelief and tried to enjoy the ride.

I found kylo ren to be my least favorite of the new characters. Fin has to be my favorite. It almost felt like the movie was more about him than the chick. And she's the jedi.

Fin was cool... a little hard to believe imo. But yes, he was fun.

I liked Kylo because he was more human than most of the typical bad guys.


Couldnt agree more with the fan service bit...
I also felt there was to much emphasis on the one liners and laughs. Never before have I felt like a star wars movie was going out of its way to get a laugh as hard as this one was.

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Really? The Jar Jar poop jokes were better executed than Po's quips?

Although I am hitting the low hanging fruit here...

Sorry... I thought we all silently agreed to pretend that the phantom menace never happened.

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Ah, mea culpa. I must have missed that memo!

I felt like kylo was like an emotional teenager. That might have been what they were shooting for, but I couldn't get into him. It felt too much like Anakin in the prequels.

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So basically you felt it was a reboot/remake of A New Hope?

I liked it overall. I felt like they bit off more than they could chew and tried to cram too much in. This movie felt a little rushed.

It looks like Luke was hiding out in Ireland:)

Exactly, the pacing of the movie was way to fast. Tell me they didn't blow up Coruscant? That looked awfully like it.

just sick of the same old daddy issues.

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Been waiting all weekend to click on this thread hahaha Finally saw it! Loved it! Chewie's reaction to Han's death was heartwrenching. But loved the new characters and am definitely looking forward to the next one. I liked how Kylo was a lot more multi-dimensional than a lot of Star Wars villains. Just crazy to me that he's Han and Leia's son. So many questions and twists and new things I'm still digesting it hahaha But I loved the movie. On the whole it's a great Star Wars movie and definitely made up for the prequel trilogy in my opinion.

Yup. Skellig Michael ;)

@strykerzr350 No, They say it was the Hosnian System.

@Soul_of_Iron I hope VIII is just as good :)
It will be directed by the dude who did Looper. This dude likes film, and practical effects.

My concern is with IX........ it is being directed by the guy who did Jurassic world.. CGI ALLL over that film.... places that it shouldn't have been (like the I-Rex hatching.... should have been animatronic puppets like the raptors in JP). Also, i am not adverse to digital, and i think IX will be. Just..... keep the practical effects lol

Now.. everyone shut up and watch/listen to this.


I really enjoyed Looper! Great sci fi, with a great story and awesome cast. And I'm totally with you on the practical effects, that's what made LotR great and the original SW trilogy as well. I do think that the CG stuff has a good place though, definitely helped VII along visually. Such a great movie hahahahahahaha I'm still geeking out about it lol


IMAX 3D really works for me but not as well as 48fps 3D
The film was gorgeous at all times... fantastic camera work.


I definitely felt a bit underwhelmed by the movie. Although I was very entertained DURING the film by all the fan service, it didn't leave me with much afterward. The story wasn't personal enough or deep enough. There were also too many loose ends and cliffhangers.


First 3/4 was my favorite while the climax was lacking... the luke bit at the end was stupid and only meant anything because it was the same actor. (fan service)


I think the part JJ really nailed the best was Rey's setup story. Not necessarily because I cared about her afterward, but I did get a nice feel of the star wars universe.


Who the f' is snoke? I've never heard of this bloke. Am I supposed to?


Fin would not have lasted that long in a LS battle.... just no...

Can you believe one guy said that the Jakku Falcon/TIE fighter scene looked like a video game cut-scene? <.< Just.. no...

@eidolonfire The next high frame rate (probably 48fps, although Cameron is looking into 60fps) movie you will get to see will be Avatar 2-3.

But... the whole story was about luke.. and his Jedi Temple... and Kylo Ren.... i'm not understanding.

Supreme Leader Snoke. You know just as much as we all do. It is more than we knew about the Emperor in Empire.

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