Right so allow me to get on a bit of a rant here, about me needing some serius nerd help. I'm living on a school home here in Denmark, and currently they are running a 100/100 Mbit/s connection for 350 people, they are planning on soon to upgrade to a 1Gbit/s connection which is gonna be wonderful.
However, with this upgrade a problem comes, they are gonna increase the strength of the firewall, to make it clear, how this is gonna affect me, already, they have already banned the ports, for TS, minecraft, battlefield, CS:GO, and bunch of other enjoyable things. Imagine how little is gonna be able to be used.
And now you may just say " Well, why does this idiot not just use a VPN!?" aaaand I have tried all the most of the normal ones (PPTP, FFTP, L2TP, and so on), however, none of these actually works. I asked the IT-Department, and they said that it is allowed to use VPN, but it doesn't work, so I assume they've banned it. Then a friend of mine had a Strong VPN account and we tried SSTP, and because of the way it works (going through pretty much all firewalls) it actually worked, which is wonderful, Only issue being, he doesn't have the account anymore, and I don't have the money to get one my self.
Fortunatly I am a student as Data-technician, and we got a server in our classroom + our own internet connection pretty much no firewall. On that server I wanna (and have permission) to set up a SSTP server on that, however, I'm not entirely sure how to do that, so I'm looking for some nerds that could help me with this.
I am fairly sure the basic server is already installed and set up, but the SSTP module is not, and quite frankley, I have absolutely no experience with Windows server, nor Linux servers.
I appreciate all the help I am sure to get from this wonderful tek community which boosted my interrest and, really, got me started with my education, helped me choose. So if you've read all of this, I appreciate it :) .