SSH honeypot?

I am interested in a openssh honeypot for trapping bot attackers. I have found pshitt and endless ssh. What others should i consider? Do you folks use this to annoy attackers/bot owners?


I like the simplicity of endless ssh but I would not call it honeypot it is just script kiddie trap.

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I would rather drop attempts, instead of allowing them to play- I’m pretty sure you can log attepts, maybe even ones that use default credentials?

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I know these two:

cowrie is an interactive one where you can also replay the ssh sessions. I tried it a few years ago but it did not work well. I don’t know if the bots had some kind of detection.

ssh-honeypot just logs attempts but does not create a session for the attacker. This one worked much better for me. I had so much attempts the honeypot logs filled up my VPS (20GB) in 2h.