The bottom output port appears to have stopped working. It was fine yesterday, and had been fine for about 11 months before that.
I have tried swapping the three monitors between the ports, and the monitor plugged into the bottom port is always the one that is not working. I have also tried switching between the two PCs, and again, whichever monitor is plugged into the bottom port is the one that does not work.
I have also tried power cycling the KVM (including unplugging both input USB cables) to no avail.
Other Notes:
Tangential to the above, I can’t get into my store account (I was going there to look up warranty contact information). The password I have in my password manager isn’t being accepted, and requesting a “reset password” email isn’t working either.
I don’t think I recognize this number. Are you sure you have an L1 KVM…? Lol You can just provide a link to the product if you’re unsure of the model
Yep, definitely an L1 KVM. This is it… Scratch that, I’ve tried to include a link to the product, but the form isn’t allowing me to include a link. The URL ends with 14-kvm-switch-triple-monitor-2computer-pne46-fxlmw. The product name title is “1.4 Display Port KVM Switch - Triple Monitor - Two Computer”. I have the 5-gig variant.
The model number I gave came from the order confirmation email. The link to the product in that email doesn’t work either (404): I guess you guys have completely restructured your site, and renamed all of your products in the last year? I also imagine that’s why my account login isn’t working any more?
I’ve tried to include a snippet from the order confirmation email, but again, the forum isn’t allowing me to upload an image.
These forum restrictions make it difficult to provide useful information when asking for help.
The restrictions are appropriate for new users, you gain them automatically after being here a bit. Anyway, I have elevated your status so you can post links and pictures.
Right I see what KVM you’re talking about. You listed the SKU#. For future reference, the model# is on the KVM sticker on the bottom. Yours is: PAAG-E3132B
Edit: We haven’t renamed anything, but we did have an unfortunate, and unavoidable, servicer issue that could be the reason for not being able to get into your account.
Hm, since you’ve went through most troubleshooting steps I would advise, your best bet is to contact Wendell for your support options and further troubleshooting.
Have you unplugged the kvm for at least 1 solid minute? it has overcurrent protection that does not clear immediately. It takes one solid minute. If there was a short on the port, that would do it.
I would also suggest you unplug your monitors from power for one minute to help them “forget” the handshake and re-negotiate properly when they come back up.
Unplugged the PCs from the KVM (they were supplying at least enough power to turn on the front LEDS)
Set a timer for 1 minute, then plugged everything back in again.
The same monitor was still not coming on.
So I tried a slightly more extreme variant, and unplugged all of the input monitor cables too, since I’m unsure whether any power comes across those at all or not. I then left it for FIVE minutes. Another thing I did slightly differently was plugging in the KVM’s DC power BEFORE plugging in the PC’s USB cables.
This time, all three came on! I’m not sure which change did it, but I’m glad to be back up and running.