
So recently I signed up for and got accepted to spartahack and I was wondering if anyone here has had experience with hackathons before. How should I prepare? What should I expect? All in all I’m sure it’ll be a great time hanging out with like minded people for the weekend but I can’t help but be a little nervous.

All I can say is know what you do and how you do it and be ready to do what you can. DEFCON has the CTF event, but theres a few other events they have too that go from hackers escape room (break out to the internet through stupid amounts of filtering and firewall) all the way to bankvault (get the money from the vault to your box. Though it may not be money, it could be files off of a computer) and in all the events no one needs to know you did anything.

Personally I always like hooking into traffic externally and then bouncing pings that come towards me back into the network. It both pisses admins off because I don't have an IP, technically, and it gets me access through other people's beacons. Its slow, but no one knows I am there for the most part.

I'm sure you'll figure it out. The one hacker con I went to had CTF and Brick the Bricked. All fun.

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I think we're thinking of a different hackathon, not hack as in security but hack things together/ the Stallman definition of hacker. However what your'e describing sounds pretty cool if I knew more about traffic and networking I would love to be involved in that.