SpaceEngineers and performance?

There is this game I really like to play called SpaceEngineers which just happens to perform like crap on my system.
CPU: FX-8320 at 3.9GHz
GPU: R9 Fury
Average FPS: 40
Minimum FPS: Crash
I don´t have issues in other games, it is just SpaceEngineers that is crapping itself when ever possible. RAM is also available beyond all needs. I tried lowest settings, I tried highest settings, no difference at all.
Thanks for feedback and advice.

Yea, it's a great game but it performs crappy on all systems... especially planets.

They are actively working on optimizations currently.

Haven´t they been working on "optimization" since 6 months by now? I have not seen a single FPS increase since whenever. It has gotten worse and worse but not better.

I have noticed a number of improvements....

I have a high-end i7 and a GTX780 overclocked and I still have to run with low graphics and short viewing distance.

I noticed the biggest perf improvement when removing foliage and reducing shadows.

testing now with a 290 with all cores core clock of 1084 ram clock of 1591

was able to get a steady 25-40 fps with medium grass settings infinite medium game world fast start on planet.

The game itself isn't written in a native language. It's written in C#, which while nice and has reasonable performance, still shows its issues when dealing with something like SE.

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R9 Fury and 5820k here, still runs like utter crap.
Its just the game, not your system, duuudee.