Some Feedback about level1tech [NO HATE] [CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM]

I'm talking about production values. I'm not criticizing the quality of the content. From what I've seen, the quality of the content is great. But the production values bring it down a bit, because they detract from the content.

I wrote a post about this that I never bothered to post, cause I didn't finish the video. I don't give a fuck about dramatizations like, "consolitis," which was presented poorly, but if he's going to do it, it needs to be done with maximum effort. I would've preferred a straight approach, but you have to remember, they have to challenge themselves as well. They want to try different things. There is nothing wrong with that. If you don't want them trying different things, well that's something you can take up with them yourself. They don't have to justify trying different things to anyone. It's something that has to be felt to be understood. However, they should be prepared for constructive criticism if whatever they try out is poorly done.

So Wendell and team, do try different things. You'll never find your style if you don't

My only constructive criticsm is that @MisteryAngel should get her hat and wear it with a happy face! it makes me cry that she doesn't :'(

but is it still not too early on to call for quality improvements?
would it not be best to start with that somewhere in 2017? and just give it more time to be ad a stable point.

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good feedback, we've been experimenting with lighting, lights, etc. we have one super swank loaner light thats like a $1k light and then a bunch of CFLs and low-wattage LED lights. Maybe one more super swank should be on our shopping list so we can do a left/right balance. We've also reconfigured the track lights about 482 times. I have a nice soft backlight in some of the videos at the desk --e.g. the asrock?

But yeah haven't found "the perfect formula" yet. still working on it. I like that you posted a video on lighting but jerry didn't really cover 3 point lighting and he's since switched to LED lighting. the swank new light is LED, though.

Some of the broll product shots on the monitor were hard to balance the brightness of the display, the reflection of the bezel and wanting to convey the texture of the metal properly.

the videos shot the last few days you guys wont see used a mix of the fancy led light and natural light and I think that's been the best yet honestly.

but yes, still work to do. I liked the backlight so much it's mounted to the ceiling now, permanently. lol.


Constructive criticism? We need more videos about PhysX. I know the majority of people on here will agree with me on that.

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I used pictures so you can understand

On topic, I like the suggestions. Good feedback

Look all I want is good for L1T, I want it reach its true potential. So I thought by giving some suggestions for improvement it would actually help. This whole thing has been a misconception.


long-time ts/l1 users are just protective and loyal. We also like a good argume... debate *cough.

Don't take it personally.


its cool, dont stop, thanks. keep us on track constructively of course :)


No its fine we appreciate imput from our audience,
for improving things where needed if possible.

Keep up the good work guys. There are many valid points about production quality here. My opinion is that we don't need perfectly produced content that is and looks like a perfect TV production. There is a room for that but it seems that people come here to see the real thing.

If we need scripted videos we can go to LTT.

We need honesty and transparency, someone who will not sell out to advertisers and will not share their mistakes and lie about their bad products. By all means take as much money as you can from them and give them constructive comments on how to get better, if they don't is their fault.

Thank you for the truthfulness you bring in the tech community in general.

For me, immaculately constructed video comes second to the content and personalities behind it. It only becomes an issue for me when it is distracting me from the content itself. Extreme stereo, inconsistent audio levels that mean i have to change the volume on the fly, or lighting so i cannot see whats going on. Any issues I have seen have been fixed already.
There are many highly produced video channels that I dislike watching, because I cannot stand the people in front of the camera. Unboxed therapy for one? It is less of an informative video and more of an advert with people trying to be funny. I suppose it isn't their fault, just a product of YouTube. If you do this professionally, you need to be successful.

Deviating slightly off topic:
However, Level1Techs are in a unique position of not needing to do this professionally, and only do it for a hobby (At this stage anyway).
YouTube content doesn't need to appeal for the masses anymore, because of the variety that is available at any time. If you want to make a nerdy video, you should never be afraid of making it too nerdy, because the only ones watching are the ones interested! Leo from Twit said something very similar to one of his guests on a podcast, who was worried about going too far in-depth.

Anyway just my uneducated armchair neck-bearded opinion, feel free to kick it around a bit.

It also seems like a lot of limited resource deployment. I'd rather have more content than shiny time consuming b-roll editing... Give it time, it will fall into its own style with experience.

not to hop on the whole it dont matter bandwagon,

but maybe if someone could figure out a way to easily distinguish the quick and dirty vids between more.. preplanned longer project type videos where id say it warrants more effort to put higher quality into those types, where the quick idea video to just shoot something out. doesnt matter as much as a documentary or whatever.

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I agree with everything besides the b-roll. This Chanel (I would hope) isn't really about tick vs tock hardware reviews. So, hardware porn really doesn't serve a huge purpose and seems a little out of place to be frank.

The flavor of the week hardware show has been done to death.

Improving lighting and audio I am all behind though. Same goes for any video artifacts.

Fantastic content when it comes to Linux OS in my perspective. I was searching for more Linux content on YouTube when it comes to computer hardware and seeing your opinion is fantastic.
I would suggest to give some insight when using:
- high-end peripherals like mechanical gaming keyboards or mice(and not only), which are or not compatible with Linux and so on;
- how would everyday use of Linux can be achieved in any type of tasks;
- I was always with open source software and if not open source, maybe cross-platform to give me the liberty to chose;
- I would 100% subscribe for a Level 1 Programming channel, if you guys are willing to do something like this;

Basically what I'm saying is that you guys have the potential to go on full-tech in hardware or software in many scenarios in the computer science industry, but then again it all comes down to the audience. If you guys can somehow manage to find a balance, it's enough just to give an idea about anything to get people started in being more curious, then that would be amazing.

This is just my opinion but overall I think that what you guys do is fantastic. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward for more content.