Some bad sectors my harddrive is keeping

So I am checking my hard drive, and there are some bad sectors I am not getting rid of since about 10 hours. It's an external HDD, if it is any important for the diagnose. The test is running since nearly 24 hours. I am fixing it with the disk utility in Debian 7. Does this mean the bad sectors I am not able to finish are physical damage? The test is still running, not sure if I should cancel. Thanks for the input.


Here are some pictures I took, with the in-tels of the process:

Those aren't fixable. I would get your data off right now. When the Reallocated sector comes up, those sectors are permanently damaged. You might be able to use HD Re-generator to fix some of those bad sectors. Just enough to get the data off that hard drive.

It will take some time until I can get a new internal hard drive, does it look like it is going to break 100% sure in a year? Or is it the probability in general that raised dramatically because of these sectors? I will be able to secure the most important files.

jump ship asap! get the data you can and run.

Its not going to break a 100%, but more bad sectors will come eventually. How long have you had the drive?

pretty straight forward. Thanks.

Yeah, it may not break 100%, but that 2% will break a lot of software and storage.

2-3 years... And windows gives it's: "somethings wrong with your drive" statement.

yea,. that means that drive is slowly failing

Yeah. The chance of software corruption will get it eventually. I will do what I can, (ex. save what I can now, and get a new internal harddrive as quick as possible.) Sidequestion: Do external harddrives break faster than internal harddrives? It seems like it to me, because I see internal harddrives fail more seldomly. (maybe if a PSU kills itself with the system...)

I meant the probability to not recover the HDD's data. I want rather ASAP then a probable FUBAR later. Thanks.

They are inherently the same thing, but externals get bounced around and dropped more often. So, yes. On average they fail more often.

That's it. The only persons that will get their hands on my drives, no matter external, or internal will be people I know who will look at it really good, or me.

alright. Thank you.