(SOLVED) What fonts do I need to correctly display the buttons on the forum?

Not sure why it's appearing as boxes. I believe it's due to my lacking the fonts necessary to display the characters, but I'm not 100%.


I forgot to mention. I only have this issue on Linux. I put it in the Linux category but forgot to mention it here. So here is this edit.

Arch Linux using Vivaldi-stable on awesome window manager.

I only have default fonts installed. Nothing custom. ... Aside from reinstalling ttf-dejavu when my terimnal, urxvt, suddenly decided every character was an ornate symbol.

You're missing your carets!

Looking through Chrome's element browser there's something about fontawesome.io, but it looks like a CSS font thing?


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Found a stackoverflow thread on it.

This is outdated, as for font awesome 4.0 the cdn does everyting for you: fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/get-started/#bootstrapcdn I still can't render the font on localhost, though.

Hmm, I'm not sure how it'd be a website problem if it works on Windows. Bizarre.

I am using Vivaldi, which is based on Chromium, so maybe it's a strange combination of Vivaldi+Linux that does it? It works fine with Vivaldi+Windows.

I've noticed that it does the same thing on Paypal, as an example.

Well, I figured that out. I installed this package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ttf-font-awesome

And that fixed my whole issue. Thank you for the help.