[Solved]PC does not fully power down after pressing power button

So recently I switched to Intel and have noticed a strange occurrence with my machine. When I press the power button to shutdown the system all the screens go into sleep like normal, but fans and HDD's continue spinning and AIO still has pump light on. PRESSING POWER BUTTON AGAIN DOES NOTHING

I does the same thing when I restart it as well

I have scoured the internet to no avail

specs link is in profile

after further research this appears to be an issue with windows 10


why not just install windows 7?

because thats what I had before Win10

I did not have this problem when I had my FX8320 installed two days ago, put 4790k in there BOOM, problem

I get "Program Manager is preventing shut down" half the time, what even is that?

Well did you reinstall windows 10 after swapping hardware? if not do that


I dont want to reinstall everything

That's the quickest solution to solving any problems with windows

Should split your hard drive into 2 partitions, one for the OS and one for long term storage, that way you only ever have to wipe one when you need to reinstall, also you should have a back up of your stuff anyways

I have 5 drives, 3 SSD'd 2 HDD's...

Well then you only need to clear the one with the OS what's the issue?

alrighty then, it wont screw up my 1TB+ of steam files on the other drives?

All you'd do is point steam to where that library folder is, and unplug the drives so there's no chance of wiping them accidentally during reinstallation

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Do you have Fast Boot enabled?

on motherboard yes

windows no

Disable entirely, see what happens.

alright I disabled mobo fast boot and let windows load to login screen and pressed power button

it worked

however I need to actually use windows and see if problem persists

it worked

it said program manager was preventing but told it to shut down anyway AND IT WORKED

10/10 problem solved

(now to figure my usb problems later)

can mod close this please

Good shit. Glad you got that taken care of.

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