[SOLVED] Nvidia drivers

i downloaded the nvidia drivers. (V390.87) but they are in a “run” format and i need a “deb” format… what actions do i take to convert the file and or do i just use the terminal to pull some drivers? (which i have tried but i can’t seem to find the right “password” to get the terminal to understand that i need some nvidia drivers. lol

i know theres some way to ./configure then make and then install. but i’m not advanced enough to put any of these things into action yet.

You don’t.

What bistro are you using? You should use the packages provided for your distro.

im on lubuntu. 18.04


facepalm i’m not used to linux. i’m sorry. lubuntu already had the 390 driver waiting on me in software and updates. i just switched to the driver and i think it’s good now. i forgot that software is brought to you. i’m used to windows making you hunt for every piece of software.