[SOLVED]Linux Mint - Install/boot error

I'm getting an error when I try to boot from a live USB. When I select non UEFI then the system just shows a massive error dump after showing that screen that says "rebooting in...". If I select UEFI then it shows the mint icon for a bit before showing a very broken image on the screen.

I've tried setting my bios to load optimised defaults. I've tried disabling UEFI in the bios, I've tried disabling secure boot. I have tried googling this further but I'm actually not even sure what to google for this. I'm very new to linux.

I really think its a bios setting somewhere but I'm just not sure what it could be.

PC Specs:
Asus Z97 Sabertooth mark 2
i7 4790K reset it to stock speeds from 4.8ghz to try get this working.
MSI GTX 780 Lightning Edition
250GB 840 Evo SSD
2TB Seagate drive

Non UEFI Error

UEFI Error

UEFI boot should work. What you should do is disable secure boot from the bios. If this does not work try to re make the live USB. It might be corrupted. It happens sometimes.

Thanks, I'll give that a try this evening. I'll try a few different flash drives as well. I used PenDriveLinux to create the live usb. I'll also try a different program.

try using ubuntu instead of mint.
mint is based on ubuntu so it'll be a good baseline

Mint is quite happy with UEFI, but I've had this issue with Nvidia 780 cards before and problem is graphics compatibility. Try a different card to get mint installed. After, swap the old card out for the new one. Boot up with Supergrub and get a terminal. Use edgers to install a the correct graphics driver.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-337

You'll only need this ppa once, so delete it after installation.

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Thanks, I'll try using the onboard or if that fails I'm sure I have an old GTS 250 around somewhere.
I've created another 2 live usb's using Rufus (one Mint and one Ubuntu).

Prolly nvidia messing things up again, it's worth checking if booting with the 'nomodeset' parameter resolves the issue, it's not as complicated as it might seem.


Just press 'e' when you hit grub, then add 'nomodeset' after 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX='

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Thanks, I'll give this a try.

Thanks so much for this @Baz. This worked like a charm. Thanks to @Geoff for the info on how to get the drivers working.

Now to start my journey into learning linux!

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