Hi! I’ve been reading this post:
I am looking into a similar setup. However I have a few questions related to it and hope any of you might have some answers.
I have a functional qemu/virt-manager setup running with Linux guests as well as Win guests. I have 2 dedicated GPUs and an iGPU. So I can basically run 2 VMs at the same time. This is all a recent setup/upgrade and I am still tinkering with it. It is running fine but only on 1 screen per VM each at most (virt manager windows, the host runs obviously on 2 screens just fine as one would expect).
My host system is Debian 12. I have 2 graphic ports on my MOBO and a dual monitor setup. I need switching between the VMs and Host a bit.
A functioning two-monitor output for EACH running VM is basically a requirement. Looking Glass isn’t really working for a Linux Guest setup so I kind of stayed away from it for now.
Question is. What working alternatives are there?
Is there a way to have a dual monitor setup on every VM (mostly Linux but also Win) when running them. Basically so that the video output of the dedicated GPU gets “copied” to the iGPU, depending on which VM is currently active?
Basically (as I’m sure you are well aware) same as when I run Linux or Windows bare metal using my dGPU but only having a physical cable connection to my iGPU. Same principal (in theory).
I understand that the alternative is a KVM switch and connect all outputs through that device and switch then whenever needed. Is there no soft-alternative to this?
I found this as well (https://www.nomachine.com/) but not sure if anyone has tried this and will actually work?
I’ve also read a few things about Proxmox but don’t know much about it. Or maybe I am missing something and it is actually something that can be done inside of virt-manager / host? Any advice on what to do is appreciated.