[SOLVED]Battlefield 4 Crashes after 3 seconds to a minute of gameplay

So when i join any map, any gamemode my game crashes. I get a kill or two with a SKS then bf4 stops responding.

I applied JayzTwo cents registry fix and nothing helped, i only got more fps.

My specs are:

Mothermoard: Asus P8 B750-M LE

Cpu: Intel Core i5 2320 @ 3.0 Ghz

Ram: 6Gb 1333mhz

Graphics: Asus Gefore GTX 760 DCU2

Psu: Corsair CX750M

*Edit, i have updated my directX, drivers, game and everything. I have also talked to EA and they ignored me plenty times.

*Edit again, I run Win 8.1 Pro

I second this, Only slightly lower (ish? just HIGH end mid 2009 parts) end parts, but 8.1 industry pro and I usually get 45fps on med-high.

what? i get 55-120 fps depending what map i play 

Start the game up in x86 mode (32bit) you dont realy have enuff ram to run it in 64bit bf4 eats ram up like crazy.

Bf4 defults to x64 if its running on a 64bit system.

Click on bf4 in origin click on more details>edit>select x86 save then run the game.


still same issue, i have been playing fine with 6 gb before

I have a i-7-870(old, yes, 870) with a HD5770 and 16 (2x8) gb of RAM

Have you overclocked your GPU?  If so, set your GPU back to stock clocks and try playing BF4 again.


Is there any other software running in the background while you're playing BF4? If so, shut what you don't need down. Try to reduce the amount of variables that could be causing the problem to a minimum.

i have done that before when i was geting a directx error

i have noticed that this issue is worse when i run it in x86 aka 32 bit

also noticed it does not happen in empty servers

Look on the BF4 subreddit, they have tons of fixes for things like this.

does your screen go black when it crashes? Is it only on multiplayer (server bug) during campaign (chances are its gpu related) I had an issue with battlelog specifically and did a re install

the game freezes and i get the sound from the last frame being repeated. The campaign, it does not crash 

http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/comments/1xztco/any_solution_for_crashes_after_patch/ according to this locker dawnbraker and paracel storm cause crashing. i was trying locker, now i will try railway to see if it still crashes

the game does not crash on railway, i have noticed that