[SOLVED] Backblaze - what it doesn't backup (file types)

Hello all,

I’ve used Backblaze for a few years and generally no complaints (via Win OS).

My only issue is that it doesn’t back up ISO, EXE and MSI’s, I can understand why, but I wonder if there’s a workaround? So far I just mirror it onto another hard drive, as well as one off-site.



I use them as well for backing up my NAS and I encrypt whatever gets uploaded before, which of course allows me to store whatever I want there.
I’d suggest you do the same if you find a client which allows you to do so.

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Thank you for that, really helpful. Would a 7 zip file be good enough? I childishly tried rename the extension and it wasn’t falling for that!

Not sure how a protected 7z is structured but it should likely work given that it obfuscates and changes the filetype.

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Thank you again, I’ll give it a whirl :+1:

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It worked, thank you very much! :+1:

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