"Soft Touch" Texture of My Case Became All Sticky and Stuff

The soft touch feel on my Bitfenix Shinobi has gotten all sticky and stuff. I tried cleaning it off with alcohol to no avail; I can't even remove the dirt what seems to be embedded deep on the now sticky material.

Now, I believe it is a lost cause to try and save the soft touch feel, I want to know if you guys have a method of removing it to bear plastic?

Would rigorously rubbing it with a microfiber and alcohol be suffice?

I guess the weather here really took its toll on the soft tough material... sigh

I was afraid that soft-touch material would have this problem. Usually it takes years to happen though.

If you want a massive project you can try just removing all of the material with sandpaper or steel wool. The other, easier option is you can see if they'll replace the case under warranty.

Yeah, sadly, this case is already 2 years old...

I'm worried if I use sandpaper, even on the fine grits, or a steel woool that the underlying plastic would be hideously scratched.

Well I was thinking you do fast light swipes with it, removing the surface layer. If you want to dedicate a lot of time to the project get yourself some grade 2 machine polish which is typically used for getting metals to a semi-gloss from a matte finish, and combine it with very fine sandpaper to hopefully rub the soft-touch off but keep the underlying plastic looking reasonable.

I know there are tricks to making plastic look brushed, and frankly that may not be a bad way to go.

Give BitFenix a shout anyway see if they have the handles as replacements to send out rather then a whole case.

This is a Shinobi, not a Prodigy. It is a standard case that has no handles. Good thought though, I would absolutely still give BitFenix a shout and see what they can do.

Alrightee, Ima ask them if it is still possible for replacement panels; otherwise, I guess this will be my weekend project heheheh ugh, my raging OCD is killing me

Wish me luck that I won't screw it up haha

Good luck!

Be patient with the scrubbing if you're forced to do that. If you can't get machine polish, use olive oil. No, seriously. Olive oil is a really good adhesive remover and combined with the fine sand paper might actually do the trick.

Olive oil you say? Aite, I'll give that a try too.

I'll prolly start with one of the drive bay covers that I am not using first for good practice

I just want to update my project; I used Isopropyl Alcohol and it worked like a charm. Got the soft touch coating off, sure it ain't perfect, but for now, it is good enough. At least it isnt all sticky anymore.

In the future, I might use a fine sand paper and probably, just probably, paint it.

Anyways, that is my weekend project being successful lol

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