So i left my sister phone in the freezer for 3 days

So i spent my hard earned money on the new Moto G and my sister picks it up and dropped it..... i have t-moblie so i had to pay full price for the phone. I gave her my old phone and so i went into her room and tosted it in the freezer in retaliation (at least i didn't hit her or something:D) and i forgot about it.. what do i do to save it?


Oh yea i put it in the ice maker, which was full of ice so it sorta wet.

That Phone is DONE. there is MOST likely water damage. DAT condensation would probably have messed up the internal components of the phone.

if it were possible to check it'd be funny if you were to turn on the phone, set it to vibrate, call the frozen phone and watch it shiver cause of the cold. (like how dare you do this to me)

Take the battery out, let it thaw and try to get any ice off of it. Then let it sit in a bag of uncooked rice for like 3 days. If that doesn't work, its toast

first, be more mature in resolving your conflicts with siblings.

second, just wait. take the battery out and leave it to dry. if in a week it does' work, then it's probably done.

Let it dry out for a few days and try not to turn if on, hopefully it died or was off before getting too cold or wet. If possible disassemble it and disconnect the batter and continue to let it dry.

If you are lucky nothing will be damage from the freezer. It might be okay since the manual I have says not to store in temperature less than 14 degrees Ferinheight which obviously be damaging to some components.

water damage? put it in a bowl of rice for 24h and hope it dries out, and you only put stolen phones or well you did only put stolen phones in the fridge wrapped in tinfoil , well that stopped when they started to continuously broadcast the lock signal 24/7 forever until the phone was locked, how do I know this?   well I had a lot of "honourable people that never did anything wrong around me once upon a time!"

Bet your parents loved paying for another phone for your sister. You only punished them not her.

Yeah it is probably screwed. 

So mature of you to do that. Especially when she probably dropped it on accident....


not even. it's not THAT sensitive to water... and condensattion is not that prevalent. the battery is probably just too cold