So does anyone else just not like BF1?

I find the maps in BF1 are pretty decent though. The only one I find is a super pain in the ass is the mountain one in Italy.

Played the beta, It was decdent felt and looked a lot like battle front. but at the price they are asking i will wait.

I'm not sure why people keep saying it's a lot like battlefront. I mean they both have guns? I've played every battlefeild game and this one is 100% battlefield. Battlefront is just arcade casual laser tag.

I liked the beta alot. Will be picking it up soon.


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They are saying its like battlefront bc usually we get way more choice in guns and options. Most bf games we have options coming out of our ears. I dont see levelcaps monday loadout being long lived off bf1. At least in bf4 you had guns that looked like guns from other games. levelcap is trash when it comes to game info but he is popular.

I have no idea what this level cap guy is your talking about. Seems like lots of guns to me though. I think when it comes down to it people just want to bitch and complain about everything. Doesn't matter if a game is amazing the vocal minority's will take to the Internet to trash a game and unfortunately people listen.

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Are you honestly angry that guns that weren't in WWI aren't in BF1?

Because it seems to be the case. Not just you though seems other people are really irritated they made period weapons function like period weapons....

Appreciate the input, Love these threads.

At my skill level this make the game more attractive.:)

It's another standard BF game with a WWI skin, but with no historical accuracies to go along with it. It doesn't even have fucking proper trench warfare and is too fast paced for the time period.

Don't even get me started on the whole "diversity" bullshit.

No what im saying is that there is a guy on youtube who does load outs with guns from bf4. For example he did the kris kyle load out, then the halo assault rifle loadout, James bond so on Im not unhappy with gun skins what im saying is that if you want to make a series that is load out based on other stuff you are going to run out of ideas pretty fast.
clearly there are limitations as to what can go into a ww1 game and EA backed themselves into a corner on that one. more people died due to artillery than everything else combined in WW1. But you cant have an fps based on artillery and slow moving trenches. Its Battlefield its not supposed to be realistic. If you want realism @Kiyuubi go play arma or squad or some other game that is meant to do that. This game is meant to be a competitive fps shooter on a large scale which is what makes bf unique and different from all other titles. It doesnt matter where the game is set its about core mechanics. They could have easily made the game 2143 with the same guns and same mechanics but different skins and names.
Making the argument that a game inst real enough or true enough when it could easily just be reskined at any time period is a null argument. There are plenty of other games out there dont look to battlefield for realism. I mean do you really think any of the bf games are accurate. No, not even close to how the actual military works.

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Ahh Okay

Yeah the realism argument is retarded tbh. No video games is or can be absolutely realistic. TBH why would you even want that? Especially in a BF game? It would be boring as fuck. Seriously, the same people bitching that BF1 isn't realistic would be bored if it was and complain about that.

If you want something more realistic go play Verdun. It's $25. Guess what you'll probably find it boring....

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partially unrelated, but i see the argument come up a lot in fps games [which is why the first thing i did in bf3 was disable chat and never go to forums or reddit] that X "takes no skill". i played Planetside 2 for three years, and what was raged about varied literally weekly. some of the themes carried over to other titles.

shotguns "take no skill".
smg's "take no skill".
tanks "take no skill".
lmg's "take no skill".
assault rifles "take no skill".

as somebody who has been routinely ruined by skilled players for hours on end sometimes, being wasted by what apparently does take skill isn't fun either. don't blame weapons.

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If a gun is designed well then using them at what they are meant to do takes no skill. Its when you need to use the gun outside its design that takes skill. BF1 makes it such that no amount of skill in the world will allow you to use a gun outside its skill. Recoil control does not require skill. Learning how fast to click and hold for takes no skill at a guns range bc it should be easy. What requires skill is know how to manipulate the gun such that it works outside its range. Shotguns no skill when you are point blank and it requires a finger press. smgs no skill when you just run around a corner and dump a mag into the guy. Snipers no skill when the other guy is running thur a field and you have all day to take two shots.
However using a shotgun against multiple targets skill. Using an smg at range requires skill and being able to take down four or five targets in one mag requires skill. using a sniper in cqb getting a shot in and finishing with a side arm requires skill.
So yes I blame the guns for making it impossible to have any sort of skill with them simply bc they are good at their role and cant be used outside of it. That lowers the skill gap. Not the skill it takes to use a gun. Skill gap is the difference between those who are good and those who are bad. The game should reward those who have mastered their guns not punish them bc they cant do jack shit about a medic thats 30 meters away bc he has an smg.

i dunno fam, based on your criteria, that dude who sprayed you down does have skill, because he'll likely be able to hose the next few dudes as well before he dies.

anyway, i'm not gonna get into debating what isn't or is skill, i'm just saying if a "skilled" player were to dump on you repeatedly, would you send him a "GOLLY CRACKING SHOT THERE OLD SPORT"? no, you'd call him a shitbucketer and complain that he has no life and therefor is a loser for being so "skilled".

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Doom though...
Arena shooters in general have that no bullshit taste to them. Its kinda refreshing actually, game's fkn amazing but doesnt take itself too seriously. Remember the good ol' Quake 3 days? yeah you can still find servers that play those old titles, and Doom 2016's online play is actually rather decent

Yep, you clearly did not read much of what I have been saying. He wont be able to spray other guys down bc he will burn thur his mag and get caught in the reload. Killing more than one guy in bf1 while they are looking at you is next to impossible bc they are less effective at their ranges than previous titles. Which means they can have time to react. That doesnt mean they will win but they will get some shots off. If you run smg and play fast you will be caught in a reload and get killed. not to mention after the first guy youll likely end up with very little health and you have no chance on the next engagement. So no its not skill like i said to come around a corner hip fire a guy down, then need to reload and have the same thing happen to you and so the process goes on like that.

The guns in this game are not very effective in their own roles but compared to other guns they are god like in their role. expect sniper rifles they are super effective in this game at their role.

I think everyone should watch Total Biscuit's review of the singe player. He hits the nail right on the head. I hadn't watched his reviews on games in a very long while but just decided to watch this when someone recommended it in the comment section of Jim Sterling's video on the game. BF1 single player = brain dead AI, unrealistic BS that was not in WWI, etc.

For me I think it's just a large learning curve with the guns. Every shooter game the guns al play the same so people can get used to it really quick. This is the first shooter in a long time that I have to either try and get better or stop and think of how I'll make my shots.

Ya I will say the AI is absolutely horrible in the single player. There where many times I would be standing with a bunch of troops thinking they where on my team just to realIze they where the enemy. They would just stand there tell I shot at them. Also any time you look through a weapon crate they just stop shooting at me.

I would think a patch could help fix this perhaps.