I use Ansible to automate all VM updates in my Proxmox Cluster. The annoying thing currently is, that I have to snapshot every single VM by hand from Proxmox GUI before running my Playbooks.
Yes indeed, I have a Proxmox Backup Server and daily backups and additional ZFS replication of the VM storage itself, but I don’t want to rely on those to restore in case of non recoverable failure because I run the updates randomly when I have some spare time (yes yes, at least weekly).
I know Proxmox offers the possibility to take snapshots via CMD
qm snapshot <vmid> <snapshotname>
where <vmid> has following option:
<vmid>: <integer> (1 - N)
The (unique) ID of the VM.
So I guess i could deploy a command like this?
qm snapshot 100,101,102 before_update
Not really sure if I understand the 1-N corretly.
Either case, I don’t really want to maintain the list everytime a VM is deleted or added.
Is there a command in Proxmox to update every VM currently running with a single snapshot name for all of them or will I have to create a script that will be called from Ansible?
If I have to go with a script, how do I make Ansible wait for the script to finish before continuing with the execution and get the status back in case of failure?
The 1-N is describing the expected value of <vmid> (i.e., a non-zero integer – though, the valid range of Proxmox vmids is currently 100 - 999999999, rather than actually 1 - N).
Unfortunately, this means qm snapshot 100,101,102 before_update won’t work, but you can get there with a little work.
You can use qm list and a little AWK to get the IDs of all running VMs: qm list | awk '$3 == "running" { print $1 }'
You have a couple options for how to use the results of that:
Pipe to xargs to snapshot each VM (this could be run using the Ansible shell module):
Register the output as an Ansible variable, then use Ansible to iterate over the running VMs and snapshot them:
- hosts: all
- name: Use qm list and awk to get all running vmids
ansible.builtin.shell: qm list | awk '$3 == "running" { print $1 }'
register: running_vmids
failed_when: running_vmids.stderr # Check for stderr, as pipe to awk may mask a failure (e.g., qm command not found)
- name: Snapshot each running VM
ansible.builtin.command: "qm snapshot {{ item }} before_update"
- "{{ running_vmids.stdout_lines }}"
Best of luck, and let me know if I can clarify anything for you!