Another one bites the dust.
The SMITE goddess Isis has officially been renamed to the more esoteric name Eset.
This comes after content creators are demonetized whenever the name Isis appears in a video’s name or description, and possibly said during the video.
The games company Titan Forge went to the extend of completely erasing “Isis” from the game’s content, including re-recording voice lines and re-writing all game text that referred to the previous name “Isis.”

What the hell is one supposed to say about this?
Maybe a quote from Internet Historian, the “AI is far more A than I.”? If anyone needs proof AI is still only viable in the minds of SciFi authors, this is example 1.
In the realm of workarounds for garbage tier software, this has to be one-upping the swiss train length limit by law due to the axle-counter being 8 bit. Link
The reverse could be better, instead of directing people looking for content related to terrorist, Youtube could have directed them to SMITE instead.
Looking for the islamic group? Nope. Here have a voluptuous lady instead…
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Well the name of the tides is actually Isis.
What are you supposed to say about it? It’s bulshit. Let’s change the name of a hoses that is 6 thousand years old to tickle the balls of YouTube… And why?
Or the actual Goddess…
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To take down the system, all we would need is a terrorist group to call themselves “Google” or “YouTube” and then the algorithm would cannibalize itself.
Allow yourself a moment to indulge in that possibility.
Well, they’ve been doing shady things by making a specific crypto a security worth suing over:
Alphabet engaged them to sue LBRY.
Yeah, direct ne’er do wells to scantily clad ladies… Double bonus…
Gotta love that negative cultural entities pretty much ALWAYS ruin things that were, for the most part, associated with positive cultural entities. I would never put a swastika on anything, but apparently at one point is FAR more commonly known around the indian sub-continent as a symbol of growth, change, and the infinite. Im sure there are more examples where the negative side wasn’t quite as extreme as the Nationalist Socialist party, but it’s all annoying all the same.